UNCG Study Abroad-Provence France
I started my journey at UNCG in 2011 and unfortunately fell short that same year. I worked hard to get back into school rising above personal struggles an overcoming mental illness, and was able to get back on track in 2013. After two years in the Community College System I was able transferred back to UNCG in Fall of 2015 with a 3.75 GPA going through numerous processes and appeals for my readmissions. I am now finishing my spri
ng semester of my Junior year and I am taking my second teaching licensure exam this coming Fall Semester. I intend to graduate Spring 2018 with my Bachelors in Fine Arts in Art Education with a concentration in photography. I've worked so hard doing 18 semester hours (12
hrs is full time) each semester including summer, managing to keep my GPA at 3.78 earning a place as with the University Marshalls, Presented at the National Art Education Conference in Chicago and the State conference in Winston Salem and Asheville, Completed an internship with Artist
Sheryl Oring through her many exhibitions all while working 32 hours a week as a receptionist in Winston Salem. The opportunity ha
s now come up to study abroad this coming May. An opportunity to travel with my camera to Aix-En-Provence, France with a group of students to complete the second part of my degree, a Bachelors in Fine Art in Photography. The trip fell short of the number of days required to be eligible for travel grants and so to alleviate cost I am reaching out to you to somehow come up with the money to s
upport this trip. Up until now I have covered the financial side of my education myself and without reaching out to others to co
ver that cost. But I now need help in making this happen and is why I reach out to you. The cost of the trip will cover flight, lodging, course cost/tuition, food, and camera supplies. Never has there been such a great opportunity to grow not only as a student and an individual, but as an artist as well. So I offer you this, anyone that donates no matte
r the amount, will receive one print of their choice upon my return. Just simply leave your email address and I will be in touch. I need to co
mplete this by Feb. 1rst so we have a couple of months. Please share with your friends and family and help send me to Aix-En- Provence. Every little bit help and no donation is too small :) Thank you for your help and support.
Love, Art, and Regards,
Robert S. Rose