Robin Warner
This Gofundme is set up to help with expenses while Robin is in the hospital and unable to work. Our family is down one income and has taken a financial hit. This money will be used to help pay bills, parking expenses while at the hospital and to buy mom anything she needs while admitted and after surgery.
Here’s Robins story..
In February of 2019, Robin woke up one morning extremely confused. We initially thought it was her blood sugar since she is diabetic and had been having some low blood sugars but when she didn't improve after eating a snickers we brought her into a hospital in Stillwater where they diagnosed her with Global Amnesia. This was a broad term for someone who is confused but has normal scans and they can't figure out any specific reason for the confusion. She came around and was discharged the next day.
A couple of weeks later she went to the ER for shortness of breath. Again, she was admitted a lot of scans were run to rule out a pulmonary embolism. Everything came back normal, and she was discharged when she improved.
Not long after the second hospital visit, she woke up confused again. This time seemed to be worse than the last, and we brought her into St. Jospehs hospital. It was there that they diagnosed her with Hepatic Encephalopathy, a condition related to her NASH (Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis) which is a severe form of fatty liver disease. They were able to put her on the right medicine to help prevent another episode of HE (Hepatic Encephalopathy) and she went on to have a normal and healthy spring, summer and fall.
Shortly after her birthday in December, Robin started feeling ill. The stomach flu or food poisoning (we're not sure) made it's way through both the Warner household and her daughter Sarah's household. Everyone recovered, but Robin was still having stomach pain and started becoming increasingly fatigued. She was brought into Fairview and treated for an infection. They noted that her liver function tests were more elevated than the last time but she improved with the antibiotic and she was discharged. She was brought into Urgent Care for a possible ear infection, and they decided to run her liver tests again. Unfortunately, the liver tests came back even higher than the last, and they had only been drawn a few days apart.
On Sunday, December 22nd, Robin was brought by ambulance to the U of M East Bank hospital and was admitted for liver failure. Her liver tests are continuing to get worse and they started an evaluation for a liver transplant.
A liver transplant is the only thing that will fix Robin at this point. On Thursday, December 26th robin had her worst episode of Hepatic Encephalopathy yet. She was unable to tell you who her husband, daughter, son or granddaughter were. She was only able to tell you who she was. Thankfully the next day they were able to bring her out of her confusion, and she is still doing good.