Rogue Basin Fish Ladder Projects
Donation protected
I wanted to give an update on the continued work we've just recently completed and the new projects still in progress. If u are new to the site, please see below the update to read how and why these restoration projects started.
Lone Pine Creek Culvert Barrier
Lone Pine Creek is large tributary of Bear Creek which is a major spawning trib of the Rogue River. Sadly, the very upper reaches have been blocked at a pipe entrance where the creek disappears for miles under housing developments. I don't see this section ever being daylighted in my lifetime. However, below this point, there are several miles of prime habitat that have simply been blocked by a road culvert. A problem easily solvable with just a little motivation and a willingness to get your hands dirty.
Adult steelhead we found stuck at the Table Rock Road barrier on Lone Pine Cr. While attempting leap the artificial falls, it was caught on a stick through its gillplate as if she were on a stringer. When we found her she was stuck facing downstream and barely breathing.
Reviving her with fingers crossed!
Best release ever! Watching her swim off was amazing! And no we didn't haul it through the culvert in that shopping cart. That's a completely different cart than the prior picture. They just grow there naturally.
A look at the place she was found stuck. The picture was taken after we started work on the project but not hard to see it was not an easy jump when u take into consideration there was no jump pool at its base. The sand bags we placed give the appearance that the spill dumped into a deep pool. Not even close! Those bags are the beginning of us creating a concrete jump pool. It ended up being the first step of the ladder.
As with most the small tribs of the Rogue, Lone Pine Creek provides critical wintering habit for young salmonoids as they escape the high seasonal flows of the big river. Unfortunately because of a road culvert, these juvis were only able to access a couple hundred yard of creek. This barrier shut off miles of prime habitat, some of which had benefitted from a major stream restoration project.
Might as well be Niagra Falls to these little guys. Even at high water there was no path around for them. Look close! There are several small juvinile steelhead jumping at the face of the falls.
The large rock to the center right seem to act as some kind of fish magnent. Hard to watch them taking turns smashing into it. Only have to see it once before you're motivated to do something about it.
We've spent the last couple weeks building a ladder over this barrier and have now openned up a large section of prime habitat for both spawning and rearing. This was a project where we saw immediate results. The day after the ladder's completion, we had our first fall rain and witnessed 100 or more juvinile steelhead making their way up to pools that have not wintered young salmonoids in many decades. I have gone to cheerlead each day since and have yet to not see these driven mini steelhead making their way over.
A creek trapped in rip-rap! The start of a process to unlock access to more fertile habitat upstream.
3 of nearly 50 bags!
Reinforcement so hopefully our efforts aren't washed away with the very water the fish will need to continue upstream.
The culvert site barely slows them down anymore at this creek level.
Big leaper! Instant success! I've always said, if you build it they will come. The day after completing the ladder, this was the first sucessful passage of a juvinile over the Table Rock barrier that I've witnessed in all the years I've stood over that culvert staring with disgust into the water spilling onto the rocks below.
Successful leap of a teenager over the right side of the ladder which is only passable at higher water. The easier track through the ladder is on the backside of the rock in the center/left of the photo.
After the first big rain this fall, I spent nearly an entire day cheering on the littles as they successfully made their way upstream. I tried to keep some kind of count and roughly 180 made their way through the culvert that day. I have visited the ladder almost everyday since and my best guess given the numbers I see on any given visit is that at least 500 have made their way up to richer wintering habitat. We're probably still a month or more away before any adults make their way up past the barrier to spawn but hopefully I will be able to update the post with evidence of that.
Ashland Creek Spawning Habitat
The video below is the backdrop to what first motivated me to do something about the lack of spawning habitat on Ashland Creek. When I first saw this pair of steelheading attempting to spawn, the female was scouring the pool looking any gravel to use for her redd. I watched her trying to pull small rocks from 4-5 feet away to add to a small pile she'd gathered that amounted to no more than two hand-fulls. I never realized they would do such a thing because when watching fish spawn in the past, they've always had an adequate amount of gravel to finish the process.
I went home and filled two buckets with some round drain rock from the front of my house. I dumped it that night and when I returned the next morning she had used every stone to pile into her redd. As I watched her, she contintued to try and gather more gravel (which didn't exist). She hopelessly dug at the barren rock creek bottom with her tail. So I went home, gathered two more buckets full, and immediately returned to dump the gravel for her use. Within 10 minutes she was back with her mate continuing with their spawn using the recently placed gravel. What you see near the end of the video is her digging on the second load of gravel I dumped. The pile of gravel behind her is the redd she made with the gravel I had dumped the night before. Interesting to watching the male removing the trout from the scene. Could likely be resident male rainbows looking to fertilze her eggs or possibly there just looking for an easy meal.
I imagine many of you have walked the paths along Ashland Creek in Lithia Park. The place is beautiful! It's truly a treasure for the town of Ashland. At first glance, the creek's clear water and seemingly natural setting appears to be prime spawning habitat for salmon and steelhead. But once you look beyond the eyes of the park frequenter taking their Sunday stroll and take a good hard look, you start to see a creek starved of fish habitat. You begin to see the beautiful granite boulders lining the stream banks for what they are; carefully placed stones of a rip-rap wall. You see a tidy, manicured stream void of any fallen wood. You eventually walk up the paths far enough to see a large dinasour of a dam that not only impedes fish movement upstream but stops the migration of gravel downstream.
What you now see are three of the most detrimental man-caused factors currently limiting the spawning habit of many of our streams other than the quality of the water itself. And that may be the most frustrating part of the whole situation. The water quality of Ashland Creek is by far the best of any tributary in the Bear Creek drainage and as good or better than any other spawning stream in the entire Rogue Basin. This is ensured by the fact that it's the city of Ashland's source of drinking water.
Or maybe the most frustrating part of this travesty is the fact that it happens to lie in the center of a self-proclaimed enviromentally conscious town. I thought if I presented this issue to the powers that be, I would find receptive ears that would be eager to resolve the problem. But a few years ago, I walked the creek with one of Ashland's city planners and it became very clear that nothing was going to come of trying to resolve this issue by working with them. Once again, I found myself just pulling up my sleeves and getting to work. Here's some of what we've accomplished to date.
A stream starved of gravel. The creek has been locked into a rip-rap ditch and channeled through the park to minimize any erosion. This proves to be a double whammy when it comes to the creek having the gravel necessary for salmon and steelhead to spawn successfully. The granite boulder walls restrict any gravel recruitment that results from bank erosion. These ditch walls also act to race the creek water on a straight path through the park. The creek being locked into a narrow channel with few bends and turns doesn't allow the water to spread out and slow down as the flows rise. So as the creek rises, flow velocity drastically increases and what little gravel remains is raced off to Gold Beach. And if this isn't bad enough, the nail in the coffin is the large dam upstream that completely shuts off any gravel recruitment from upstream. What is left is a streambed with few rocks smaller than a grapefruit. Unfortunately, our Rogue River steelhead don't have tails big enough to turn these rocks over.
Daunting task! I was grateful to have a partner in crime with these projects.
The completed side-channel adds a host of benefits. Firstly, in the process of widening the main creek channel, a dumptruck load of gravel was unleashed from the banks. This was one of the few redd platforms we built that didn't require a lot of gravel to be trailored in from outside the creek. The widening allows the creek flows to spread out and slow down as the water rises which will minimize gravel migration downstream and out of the platform. The side-channel is also directed away from the main creek and has a turn at the bottom which adds to keeping the gravel in place. This will also help to reduce the chance that spawning redds will be washed away with high water.
Pretty sure Rich thought I was crazy when I suggested this location as a potential channel site. He was probably right.
Not the rod bend most of us are looking for when we wader-up and step in the water. One of many rocks that nearly stopped the project dead in it's path. Where there's a will there's a way.
Giant undertaking! Maybe the best of our platforms. Eventually filled in with a trailor load of gravel. The lower flat at the center of the photo ended up being some of the best spawning habitat after it was filled with gravel. This picture was taken when the flows were extremely low. During normal winter/spring water levels, this channel runs at a perfect depth and speed for spawning.
This was my first attepmt at building a significant side-channel to provide spawning habitat. The fact it had a pair of fish spawning on it the very next day, illustrates just how desparate these fish are for places to lay their eggs. The main creek flow is on the back side of that rock spine that is deverting water into the side-channel.
Just recently, I put a bunch more work into making this site even better. Last spring, I was in a rush to provide as many places as possible to fish that were about to spawn and looking for a suitable spot.
The blue is the original and still main creek channel. The red is the side-channel I created last spring that feature the fish spawning in the above vid. That pair of fish was spawning at about the half-way point of the red line. Bascially all the water and new gravel exposed above the red line was dry ground up until about a week ago. I dug back into the bank and removed large rock from the creek bed to widen the creek another 8-10 feet and exposed a bunch more gravel. In the next week or so I will trailor a load of gravel in to finish it off.
Today I filled the platform with a yard of gravel. Turned out great. Put winter flows in the creek and this is a perfect spot for a pair or two to spawn. I guarantee I will be able to showcase fish spawning here this spring!
This was one of the more obvious spots that would lend itself to a redd platform. Just a lot of big rock to be moved!
The path of what will be a new side-channel.
The completion of the first stage of the project. The diversion on the backside of round mossy rocks had yet to be started. Notice how much gravel was exposed simply by removing the large rock.
The creek with enough water to fill the new channel on the backside of the rocks. Some of the channel is hidden behind the newly formed island. After this picture was taken, I dumped in an entire trailor-load of gravel providing enough spawning habitat to support 4-5 pairs of fish.
We built 8 spawning channels/platforms in total. I won't bore you with showcasing more than these 3 but it is worth noting, 4 of the 8 were used by fish to spawn last spring. Maybe equally worth noting is the fact we didn't even start these until April when most of the spawning was already done or well underway. Two weren't even completed until after the last fish I saw spawning in the creek. I am willing to bet all 8 will be used this winter/spring. I am not sure what I am looking forward to more this winter; steelhead fishing or strolling the creek looking for spawning pairs using the creek's new habitat.
Please tune back in to see posts of our success!
Have you ever gotten tired of waiting for something to be done about a problem that seems so easily fixable? Well, that's exactly what happened with me when contemplating a man-made barrier on Lazy Creek that for one reason or another was not being removed or fixed. Lazy Creek is a major tributary of Bear Creek which is one of the Rogue River's more prolific spawning basins. The creek's first major barrier is literally 100 yards up from it's mouth and blocks off what could be miles of beautiful spawning and rearing habitat for both salmon and steelhead. I simply couldn't wait around anymore for someone else to fix it! So.........................
Juvenile salmon and steelhead attempting to jump an impassable barrier on Lazy Creek. This box culvert is the end of the road for young salmonids trying to reach vital wintering habit. Not only is this barrier a dead end but it also proves to be a fish killer as many juveniles are left high and dry on the rocks after launching onto the bank.
For the first time, last year I witnessed adult steelhead attempting pass over the barrier. I could hear them hitting the cement wall each time as they failed. It was hard to watch!
Above are pictures from upstream of the barrier. This is not only ideal spawning and wintering habit but the upper reaches of Lazy Creek also maintain suitable flows and temperatures for rearing juvenile salmon and steelhead through the region's hot summer months. Such summer sanctuaries are few and far between in Southern Oregon.
Watching hundreds of juvenile chinook jumping at the face of the culvert last spring was the straw that broke the camel's back and started us down the path of building the Lazy Creek fish ladder. These young salmon were attempting to find a cool water sanctuary to rear through the summer. That's exactly what's upstream of the barriers. So we started the quest of assuring that salmon and steelhead would have free passage to the headwaters of Lazy Creek.
First step! Fill the 3 ft deep plunge pool below falls. 12 yards of crushed rock were shoveled in by hand. That's more than a dump truck load!
Pool was filled and leveled with rock. Then it was covered with screen to minimize erosion from beneath concrete slab platform.
Prepping rebar before pouring slab.
Prepped and ready to pour!
32 bags of concrete mixed in a trash can!
Playing legos and mixing more concrete! 22 more bags!
Phase 1 done! Ready for more rock!
More screen and 8 more yards of rock to support ladder and direct fish to it's entrance.
Screen is then closed up with wire and secured with large boulders. Large rock was also used to create a jump-pool for first step of ladder. Left side nearly done! Ready to move onto the right!
Juvenile steelhead making the first step up the ladder on the way to it's new winter refuge!
Young of the year steelhead. It was one of the first I documented that made its way through the ladder!
Healthy teenager caught a mile upstream of the ladder in an ODFW trap monitoring salmon and steelhead populations using the newly accessable reaches of the Lazy Creek.
As enthusiastic as I was to take on this task, I had no idea how much it would ultimately end up costing. It ended up being a situation of "the never ending project". The further we got into it, the more we learned, and the more tweeks and additions we needed. A matter of fact, with the first autumn rains, I continued to add more rock and concrete as I saw how the water moved and the fish reacted. And once the water dropped this spring, I've had to add more rock and concrete to reinforce and repair damage after the winter's high water. Up to date, I am in $2700 on the Lazy Creek ladder alone. I have paid for every penny of it out of my own pocket. I was fortunate enough to have a good friend write a check for the initial cost of the Jackson Creek ladder. But once again, since its completion, I have continued to add more block, rocks, and concrete. I am now in another$250 on the Jackson Creek project. I have set up this site to hopefully recoup what I spent in material costs on both of these projects as well as the fish traps we've just now built. I am more than happy to volunteer my time to build these things but have simply reached a point where I can't afford to pay for them. Please help so we can continue our work!
Here's a quick look at the Jackson Creek ladder we built:
Jackson Creek ladder nearly done!
Hanley Road culvert has completely blocked fish passage for almost 70 years! It sadly has been the road block to over 10 miles of some of the Rogue Basin's best spawning and rearing habitat for both salmon and steelhead.
Laying the block!
First water to flow through ladder! Far from done!
Salmon and steelhead are now able to pass freely to this and 10 more miles of such perfect habitat!
A picture of possibly the most meaningful fish I've ever caught. This juvenile steelhead was caught upstream of the Jackson Creek ladder during a survey I did with ODFW. Fish of this size are about a year and a half old and have simply migrated upstream looking for rearing habitat. Given the fact that the ladder had only been in about 6 months at point of capture, this fish doesn't represent proof of spawning. But still so rewarding to know that our efforts have proven worthwhile. Look how healthy this little guy is! The creek is obviously full of fish food and great rearing habitat!
In March, we observed our first adult upstream of the old Hanley Road barrier and got one step closer to verifying the ladder has opened up new habitat to active spawning in Jackson Creek.
The very fact that we have had such a hard time documenting adults upstream of the ladder is indicative of just how healthy this Rogue tributary is. The long stretches of perfect spawning gravel are accompanied by an endless number of deep pools, cut banks, log jams, beaver dams and deposits of large woody structure. When walking the stream, I honestly felt like it could be full of fish and it would be nearly impossible to spot one. We were obviously very lucky to find this female tucked up under some over-hanging blackberries.
As spring approached, I'd been more than anxious to see if the female we found above the Jackson Cr ladder had found a boyfriend. I will never walk the banks of a river again and take for granted the little fry I see darting around the shallows. The first young of the year I witnessed above the old barrier changed my perspective on what a miracle each of these truly are. We've now found several pods of fry spread over a couple miles of creek that I'm certain represent at least a few different spawns. Success!
Still a lot of work to be done around the Rogue Basin. Please help us recoup our costs so we can continue on!
Next project at hand!
Thank you!
I plan to make regular posts at this site to keep everybody updated on the latest with both Jackson and Lazy Creek. We currently have four traps at different locations on Jackson Creek to monitor downstream migration of juvies. I'll try to keep regular counts posted here for those interested.
Jackson Creek Trap #1 (most upper)
Jackson Creek Trap #2
Jackson Creek Trap #3
Jackson Creek Trap #4 (Lowest)
Catch and carry of Jackson Creek fish from trap sites to below irrigation diversion dams. The traps not only allow us to monitor numbers, population distribution and migration timing but also enables us to leap frog the fish far enough down the creek that they don't have to survive the hurdles presented by a number of irrigation dams. This effort will drastically decrease the mortality caused by pumps, screens, and high water temps.
Jackson traps fish counts:
5/5/19 Upper 1 SH fry
Lower 3 SH fry
5/6/19 Upper 0 Irrigation gate was down so trap was flooded
Lower 1 SH fry 59 degrees. Trap was partially blown out
1 bluegill
3 SH fry netted below trade
5/7/19 Upper 0 Gate down
Lower 13 SH fry 58 degrees
3 SH smolts (6-7")
2 shiners
4 SH fry netted below trap
Walked OSU research reach. Few fry in lower end. Lots in the couple hundred yard stretch below washout as creek leaves Hanley Rd.
5/8/19 Upper 0 Gate down
Lower 8 SH fry 58 degrees a.m. / 65 degrees p.m.
3 SH smolts (6-7")
1 bluegill
2 SH fy netted
5/9/19 Upper
5/10/19 Upper
5/11/19 Upper
5/12/19 Upper
5/13/19 Upper 6 SH parr 56 degrees
2 shiners
Lower 7 SH parr 60 degrees
1 SH fry
5/14/19 Upper 18 SH parr 57 degrees
1 largemouth bass 14"
1 shiner
Lower 1 SH smolt (5") 60 degrees
18 SH parr
1 shiner
2 bluegill
5/15/19 #1 6 SH parr 56 degrees
2 fry
2 shiners
1 lamprey
#2 10 fry
2 shiners
#3 1 SH parr
3 fry
#4 1 SH smolt (6") 60 degrees
47 SH parr
1 fry
5/15 release party!
5/16/19 #1 2 SH parr
#2 5 SH parr
#3 8 SH parr
#4 38 SH parr
5/17/19 #1 4 SH parr 56 degrees - cooler after rain storm
#2 0 Entrance clogged after storm
#3 7 SH parr
#4 21 SH parr 58 degrees
1 Largemouth bass
1 Crawdad
5/18/19 #1 9 SH parr No temps or details. Had someone else check trap
#2 2 SH parr
#3 8 SH parr
5 dead SH parr
#4 17 SH parr
5/19/19 #1 6 SH parr 56 degrees
2 shiners
#2 0 - blown out after high water
#3 6 SH parr
1 fry
5 dead SH parr
#4 14 SH parr 58 degrees
2 shiners
5/20/19 #1 1 SH parr 54 degrees - blown out after high water
1 fry
#2 12 fry - all herded into it
#3 9 SH parr - no dead after moving trap back to deeper water
#4 1 SH smolt (4-5") 56 degrees
20 SH parr
1 sculpin
4 shiners
5/21/19 #1 5 SH parr 54 degrees
#2 14 SH parr
#3 6 SH parr
#4 15 SH parr 56 degrees
3 shiners
Rain last night creek came up a bit. Biggest out- migration seems to happen during dropping/warming conditions.
5/30/19 #1 8 SH parr 62 degrees
1 shiner
#2 1 shiner
#3 52 SH parr
1 shiner (red finned)
#4 123 SH parr - big increase in outmigration with water temp rising again
1 SH smolt (7")
1 SH fry
1 shiner
5/31/19 #1 31 SH parr 65 degrees
2 shiners
#2 0 - removed one fence
#3 35 SH parr
#4 154 SH parr
2 shiners
Biggest release to date! 154 steelhead juvis released below last irrigation diversion dam. Free sailing from this point on as they continue their down migration to the cooler waters of the Rogue River where they will spend the summer months.
The new #2 trap site! Third pipe and trap box still needs to be installed.
We are very fortunate to have some land owners working with us on our Jackson Creek project. Not only have they been willing to let us trap and monitor on their property but have now given us the green light to retrofit their irrigation diversion dam with a fish trap. The primary goal of this modification is to improve passage for out-migrating juvis that are very hesitant to swim over a large barrier with very little flow going over the top of it. The 4" holes in the diversion boards direct flow and therefore the young fish to the corner of the dam where a surprisingly strong suction captures even the most reluctant migrants. This trap set-up will also give us a much more accurate assessment of spawning escapement above the Hanley Rd ladder. We are hoping this is the first of what will be the model for all of the diversion dams throughout the valley. Once again, your support is helping us with all these efforts!
6/1/19 #1 74 SH parr
3 shiners
#2 14 - the new #2 trap at dam site
#3 154 SH parr
1 shiner
Ended up having to release all the fish above trap #3 before transport because it was obvious they were being stressed. Over 200 in a bucket is way too many! Will be more prepared next time. Going to purchase an aerator and more buckets!
#4 Didn't have time to get to trap #4 before running off to Portland for my son's basketball and could find someone to fill-in. If you live locally in the Rogue Valley and are interested in helping monitor traps, please contact me. Love to get others involved as we increase the number of monitoring sites.
6/2/19 Too many in bucket to catch and carry. 14 in trap #2, 74 in #1, 143 in trap #3 released in log jam pool below Ross.
6/3/19 No time for catch and carry. 34 in trap #2 let go below Ross Bridge. 351 in trap #3 released up stream of trap.
6/4/19 #1 78 SH parr
#2 7 SH parr
#3 237 SH parr
#4 197 SH parr
1 SH smolt
2 sculpin
6/5/19 #1 191 SH parr 64 degrees Creek is getting very low
2 shiners
#2 38 SH parr
1 SH smolt 9"
#3 168 SH parr
1 lamprey
#4 236 SH parr
2 fry
1 shiner
6/7/19 #1 103 SH parr
#2 13 SH parr
#3 25 SH parr
30+ crawfish
#4 227 SH parr 63 degrees
6/8/19 #1 105 SH parr 60 degrees
1 shiner
1 lamprey
#2 23 parr
3 baby bass
#3 14 SH parr Trap plugged by beavers. 100+ crawfish
#4 242 SH parr
2 fry
2 shiners
2 fat head minnow
6/9/19 #1 185 SH parr 58 degrees
2 shiners
#2 8 SH parr
3 baby bass
#3 34 SH parr
1 shiner
#4 173 SH parr 58 degrees
6/10/19 #1 132 SH parr
2 shiners
#2 5 SH parr Pipe broke
#3 46 SH parr
2 shiners
#4 67 SH parr
Rescued 9 SH parr at the Kane Cr trap. Walked 200 yards of creek up from Foley Lane. Creek was still flowing but spotted no fish. They must have successfully migrated down.
6/11/19 #1 86 SH parr
2 shiners
#2 7 SH parr
#3 6 SH parr
3 shiners
#4 79 SH parr 65 degrees
1 fry
10 shiner fry
Rescued 17 at Kane Cr trap just above dry-up point.
6/12/19 Guided today. Didn’t make it to Jackson Creek traps. Rescued 19 SH parr on Kane Cr. Trap is now dry so fish were dip netted out of landlocked pools.
6/13/19 #1 407 SH parr
#2 57 SH parr
#3 48 SH parr
#4 378 SH parr
6/14/19 #1 273 SH parr
#2 29 SH parr
#3 54 SH parr
#4 115 SH parr
No temps details for prior two days. I had a fill-in checking trap.
6/17/19 #1 88 SH parr
#2 12 SH parr
1 resident rainbow
#3 27 SH parr
#4 49 SH parr
6/19/19 #1 100 SH parr
#2 18 SH parr
#3 0 Diversion gate up and trap was flooded. Lid floated off
#4 44 SH parr
30+ baby bass
No temps details for prior two days. I had a fill-in checking trap.
6/23/19 #1 28 SH parr
#2 7 SH parr
#3 43 SH parr
#4 19 SH parr
Lots of baby bass
6/26/19 #1 21 SH parr
#2 3 SH parr
#3 30 SH parr Beaver blocked trap.
#4 10 SH parr
No details or counts other than SH because I had someone filling in to check traps.
6/30/19 #1 54 SH parr
1 baby bass
2 shiners
1 flat head minnow
#2 11 SH parr
2 baby bass
#3 12 SH parr
Lots of shiner fry. Trap plugged by beavers.
#4 13 SH parr
2 bluegill
4 baby bass
2 shiners
1 flathead minnow
Beavers had completely dammed creek just above logjam above trap 3. Tore the dam out to allow fish passage.
7/2/19 #1 21 SH parr 69 degrees evening water temp
#2 4 SH parr 68 degrees evening water temp
#3 15 SH parr 68 degrees evening water temp
#4 8 SH parr
1 sculpin
Small steelhead parr with a mouthful of shiner fry! Definitely a future intruder eater!!!
7/3/19 #1 11 SH parr
#2 8 SH parr
#3 2 fry 68 degrees evening water temp
6 parr
1 sculpin
#4 3 fry 67 degrees evening water temp
23 parr
2 sculpin
1 catfish
2 flathead minnows
67 degrees evening temp at release point. Starting to be too many shiner fry to counts. Continues to be many juvenile bass.
7/4/19 #1 4 SH parr 68 degrees evening water temp
#2 1 SH parr 70 degrees evening water temp
#3 2 fry 69 degrees evening water temp
#4 4 fry 69 degrees evening water temp
14 SH parr
1 sculpin
1 catfish
67 degrees evening water temp at release point.
7/5/19 #1 3 SH parr 68 degrees morning water temp
#2 1 SH parr 68 degrees morning water temp
#3 1 SH parr 68 degrees morning water temp
#4 6 fry 68
14 SH parr
3 catfish
68 degrees morning water temp at release point
Added another trap (#3b) about halfway between traps 3 and 4 today. This trap is just above the point where the largest amount of irrigation water is diverted into the creek. Should provide a better capture point than #4 given the smaller flows. Also removed trap #1. It was only a short distance above #2 and this site is fishing better.
Obviously fish counts have significantly dropped off. Hopefully a good sign that most of them have successfully made it down to the Rogue before the lethal summer creek temps have set in.
7/8/2019 #1 Removed
# 2 8 SH parr
# 3 4 SH parr
# 3b 9 SH parr
#4 1 SH parr
7/9/2019 #2 7 SH parr
#3 2 SH parr
#3b 2 fry
1 sculpin
#4 2 SH parr
Trap 3b was blown out as debris washed down. Who knows how long it didn’t fish.
7/10/2019 #2 3 SH parr
#3 5 SH parr
#3b 3 SH parr
#4 3 SH parr
1 sculpin
Trap 3b had partially blown out again so maybe a few slipped by. Still getting the kinks worked out at this site.
7/12/2019 #2 8 SH parr
#3 0 Irrigation gate down so trap was flooded
#3b 3fry
2 SH parr
3 sculpin
#4 3 fry
1 SH parr
3 catfish
One of the reasons we are transporting the fish caught at trap sites below the irrigation diversion dams. The above pictures show a steelhead parr that died after being sucked against pump screen at dam site. We are currently working to resolve the issues at these dam sites so fish transport will no longer be necessary.
7/13/2019 #2 1 fry 70 degrees morn
1 SH
#3 2 fry 70 degrees morn
3 SH
1 sculpin
1 flathead minnow
#3b 2 fry 69 degrees morn
3 SH
1 sculpin
Trap 3b fished 100% today. No water went around or under for first time since it’s been in.
#4 1 fry 70 degrees morn
Still evidence of a couple different hatches. Clearly seeing two distinct sizes. This is either evidence of some winter steelhead spawning or more likely just a result of the two different high water events we had this winter. This could have clearly led to two different up-migrations of adult summer steelhead.
7/15/2019 #2 0. 71 degrees @ 2:30
#3 2 (50mm) 70 degrees
#3b 1(40mm) 2(50mm)
1(60mm). 71 degrees @ 3:00
#4 0 not 1 fish 71 @ 3:45
7/16/2019 #2 0. 71 @ 3:30
#3 2(40mm) 71 @ 6:00
#3b 2(40mm) 3(50mm)
3 sculpin 2 flathead. 73 @ 5:30
#4 2(40mm) 1(60mm)
73 degrees @ 7:30 @ 630. Significantly @ all the traps. Lowest it’s been since irrigation water was dumped in.
8/5/2019 #2 1 (60mm) 72 deg@3:30
#3 0 74 deg @ 4:00
Beaver plugged hole. Side creek 78 deg
76 deg below confluence
#3b 3(50mm) 76 deg @7:00
#4 1(70mm) 75 deg @7:30
Creek is at it lowest point yet. Water below pipes at trap 2 dam site. Only water flowing below that point is seepage at dam site. Deeper pools still have plenty of water but minimal flow between pools. Afternoon water temps still seem to be ok.
Into the first week of August, still seeing juvenile steelhead less than 50mm which may suggest some winter steelhead spawning. The biggest outmigration of summer steelhead juveniles occurred the first two weeks of June and most were already 60mm or longer. Still have a ton to learn about this small stream.
Taken August 5
We are currently working on retro-fitting a diversion dam on Jackson Cr with a fish trap. This design will not only allow for easy outmigration passage but will enable us to take a more accurate count of juvi populations.
Thank you so much for all the support! We’ll keep up the work on our end and keep you posted as we go!
I wanted to give an update on the continued work we've just recently completed and the new projects still in progress. If u are new to the site, please see below the update to read how and why these restoration projects started.
Lone Pine Creek Culvert Barrier
Lone Pine Creek is large tributary of Bear Creek which is a major spawning trib of the Rogue River. Sadly, the very upper reaches have been blocked at a pipe entrance where the creek disappears for miles under housing developments. I don't see this section ever being daylighted in my lifetime. However, below this point, there are several miles of prime habitat that have simply been blocked by a road culvert. A problem easily solvable with just a little motivation and a willingness to get your hands dirty.
Adult steelhead we found stuck at the Table Rock Road barrier on Lone Pine Cr. While attempting leap the artificial falls, it was caught on a stick through its gillplate as if she were on a stringer. When we found her she was stuck facing downstream and barely breathing.
Reviving her with fingers crossed!
Best release ever! Watching her swim off was amazing! And no we didn't haul it through the culvert in that shopping cart. That's a completely different cart than the prior picture. They just grow there naturally.
A look at the place she was found stuck. The picture was taken after we started work on the project but not hard to see it was not an easy jump when u take into consideration there was no jump pool at its base. The sand bags we placed give the appearance that the spill dumped into a deep pool. Not even close! Those bags are the beginning of us creating a concrete jump pool. It ended up being the first step of the ladder.
As with most the small tribs of the Rogue, Lone Pine Creek provides critical wintering habit for young salmonoids as they escape the high seasonal flows of the big river. Unfortunately because of a road culvert, these juvis were only able to access a couple hundred yard of creek. This barrier shut off miles of prime habitat, some of which had benefitted from a major stream restoration project.
Might as well be Niagra Falls to these little guys. Even at high water there was no path around for them. Look close! There are several small juvinile steelhead jumping at the face of the falls.
The large rock to the center right seem to act as some kind of fish magnent. Hard to watch them taking turns smashing into it. Only have to see it once before you're motivated to do something about it.
We've spent the last couple weeks building a ladder over this barrier and have now openned up a large section of prime habitat for both spawning and rearing. This was a project where we saw immediate results. The day after the ladder's completion, we had our first fall rain and witnessed 100 or more juvinile steelhead making their way up to pools that have not wintered young salmonoids in many decades. I have gone to cheerlead each day since and have yet to not see these driven mini steelhead making their way over.
A creek trapped in rip-rap! The start of a process to unlock access to more fertile habitat upstream.
3 of nearly 50 bags!
Reinforcement so hopefully our efforts aren't washed away with the very water the fish will need to continue upstream.
The culvert site barely slows them down anymore at this creek level.
Big leaper! Instant success! I've always said, if you build it they will come. The day after completing the ladder, this was the first sucessful passage of a juvinile over the Table Rock barrier that I've witnessed in all the years I've stood over that culvert staring with disgust into the water spilling onto the rocks below.
Successful leap of a teenager over the right side of the ladder which is only passable at higher water. The easier track through the ladder is on the backside of the rock in the center/left of the photo.
After the first big rain this fall, I spent nearly an entire day cheering on the littles as they successfully made their way upstream. I tried to keep some kind of count and roughly 180 made their way through the culvert that day. I have visited the ladder almost everyday since and my best guess given the numbers I see on any given visit is that at least 500 have made their way up to richer wintering habitat. We're probably still a month or more away before any adults make their way up past the barrier to spawn but hopefully I will be able to update the post with evidence of that.
Ashland Creek Spawning Habitat
The video below is the backdrop to what first motivated me to do something about the lack of spawning habitat on Ashland Creek. When I first saw this pair of steelheading attempting to spawn, the female was scouring the pool looking any gravel to use for her redd. I watched her trying to pull small rocks from 4-5 feet away to add to a small pile she'd gathered that amounted to no more than two hand-fulls. I never realized they would do such a thing because when watching fish spawn in the past, they've always had an adequate amount of gravel to finish the process.
I went home and filled two buckets with some round drain rock from the front of my house. I dumped it that night and when I returned the next morning she had used every stone to pile into her redd. As I watched her, she contintued to try and gather more gravel (which didn't exist). She hopelessly dug at the barren rock creek bottom with her tail. So I went home, gathered two more buckets full, and immediately returned to dump the gravel for her use. Within 10 minutes she was back with her mate continuing with their spawn using the recently placed gravel. What you see near the end of the video is her digging on the second load of gravel I dumped. The pile of gravel behind her is the redd she made with the gravel I had dumped the night before. Interesting to watching the male removing the trout from the scene. Could likely be resident male rainbows looking to fertilze her eggs or possibly there just looking for an easy meal.
I imagine many of you have walked the paths along Ashland Creek in Lithia Park. The place is beautiful! It's truly a treasure for the town of Ashland. At first glance, the creek's clear water and seemingly natural setting appears to be prime spawning habitat for salmon and steelhead. But once you look beyond the eyes of the park frequenter taking their Sunday stroll and take a good hard look, you start to see a creek starved of fish habitat. You begin to see the beautiful granite boulders lining the stream banks for what they are; carefully placed stones of a rip-rap wall. You see a tidy, manicured stream void of any fallen wood. You eventually walk up the paths far enough to see a large dinasour of a dam that not only impedes fish movement upstream but stops the migration of gravel downstream.
What you now see are three of the most detrimental man-caused factors currently limiting the spawning habit of many of our streams other than the quality of the water itself. And that may be the most frustrating part of the whole situation. The water quality of Ashland Creek is by far the best of any tributary in the Bear Creek drainage and as good or better than any other spawning stream in the entire Rogue Basin. This is ensured by the fact that it's the city of Ashland's source of drinking water.
Or maybe the most frustrating part of this travesty is the fact that it happens to lie in the center of a self-proclaimed enviromentally conscious town. I thought if I presented this issue to the powers that be, I would find receptive ears that would be eager to resolve the problem. But a few years ago, I walked the creek with one of Ashland's city planners and it became very clear that nothing was going to come of trying to resolve this issue by working with them. Once again, I found myself just pulling up my sleeves and getting to work. Here's some of what we've accomplished to date.
A stream starved of gravel. The creek has been locked into a rip-rap ditch and channeled through the park to minimize any erosion. This proves to be a double whammy when it comes to the creek having the gravel necessary for salmon and steelhead to spawn successfully. The granite boulder walls restrict any gravel recruitment that results from bank erosion. These ditch walls also act to race the creek water on a straight path through the park. The creek being locked into a narrow channel with few bends and turns doesn't allow the water to spread out and slow down as the flows rise. So as the creek rises, flow velocity drastically increases and what little gravel remains is raced off to Gold Beach. And if this isn't bad enough, the nail in the coffin is the large dam upstream that completely shuts off any gravel recruitment from upstream. What is left is a streambed with few rocks smaller than a grapefruit. Unfortunately, our Rogue River steelhead don't have tails big enough to turn these rocks over.
Daunting task! I was grateful to have a partner in crime with these projects.
The completed side-channel adds a host of benefits. Firstly, in the process of widening the main creek channel, a dumptruck load of gravel was unleashed from the banks. This was one of the few redd platforms we built that didn't require a lot of gravel to be trailored in from outside the creek. The widening allows the creek flows to spread out and slow down as the water rises which will minimize gravel migration downstream and out of the platform. The side-channel is also directed away from the main creek and has a turn at the bottom which adds to keeping the gravel in place. This will also help to reduce the chance that spawning redds will be washed away with high water.
Pretty sure Rich thought I was crazy when I suggested this location as a potential channel site. He was probably right.
Not the rod bend most of us are looking for when we wader-up and step in the water. One of many rocks that nearly stopped the project dead in it's path. Where there's a will there's a way.
Giant undertaking! Maybe the best of our platforms. Eventually filled in with a trailor load of gravel. The lower flat at the center of the photo ended up being some of the best spawning habitat after it was filled with gravel. This picture was taken when the flows were extremely low. During normal winter/spring water levels, this channel runs at a perfect depth and speed for spawning.
This was my first attepmt at building a significant side-channel to provide spawning habitat. The fact it had a pair of fish spawning on it the very next day, illustrates just how desparate these fish are for places to lay their eggs. The main creek flow is on the back side of that rock spine that is deverting water into the side-channel.
Just recently, I put a bunch more work into making this site even better. Last spring, I was in a rush to provide as many places as possible to fish that were about to spawn and looking for a suitable spot.
The blue is the original and still main creek channel. The red is the side-channel I created last spring that feature the fish spawning in the above vid. That pair of fish was spawning at about the half-way point of the red line. Bascially all the water and new gravel exposed above the red line was dry ground up until about a week ago. I dug back into the bank and removed large rock from the creek bed to widen the creek another 8-10 feet and exposed a bunch more gravel. In the next week or so I will trailor a load of gravel in to finish it off.
Today I filled the platform with a yard of gravel. Turned out great. Put winter flows in the creek and this is a perfect spot for a pair or two to spawn. I guarantee I will be able to showcase fish spawning here this spring!
This was one of the more obvious spots that would lend itself to a redd platform. Just a lot of big rock to be moved!
The path of what will be a new side-channel.
The completion of the first stage of the project. The diversion on the backside of round mossy rocks had yet to be started. Notice how much gravel was exposed simply by removing the large rock.
The creek with enough water to fill the new channel on the backside of the rocks. Some of the channel is hidden behind the newly formed island. After this picture was taken, I dumped in an entire trailor-load of gravel providing enough spawning habitat to support 4-5 pairs of fish.
We built 8 spawning channels/platforms in total. I won't bore you with showcasing more than these 3 but it is worth noting, 4 of the 8 were used by fish to spawn last spring. Maybe equally worth noting is the fact we didn't even start these until April when most of the spawning was already done or well underway. Two weren't even completed until after the last fish I saw spawning in the creek. I am willing to bet all 8 will be used this winter/spring. I am not sure what I am looking forward to more this winter; steelhead fishing or strolling the creek looking for spawning pairs using the creek's new habitat.
Please tune back in to see posts of our success!
Have you ever gotten tired of waiting for something to be done about a problem that seems so easily fixable? Well, that's exactly what happened with me when contemplating a man-made barrier on Lazy Creek that for one reason or another was not being removed or fixed. Lazy Creek is a major tributary of Bear Creek which is one of the Rogue River's more prolific spawning basins. The creek's first major barrier is literally 100 yards up from it's mouth and blocks off what could be miles of beautiful spawning and rearing habitat for both salmon and steelhead. I simply couldn't wait around anymore for someone else to fix it! So.........................
Juvenile salmon and steelhead attempting to jump an impassable barrier on Lazy Creek. This box culvert is the end of the road for young salmonids trying to reach vital wintering habit. Not only is this barrier a dead end but it also proves to be a fish killer as many juveniles are left high and dry on the rocks after launching onto the bank.
For the first time, last year I witnessed adult steelhead attempting pass over the barrier. I could hear them hitting the cement wall each time as they failed. It was hard to watch!
Above are pictures from upstream of the barrier. This is not only ideal spawning and wintering habit but the upper reaches of Lazy Creek also maintain suitable flows and temperatures for rearing juvenile salmon and steelhead through the region's hot summer months. Such summer sanctuaries are few and far between in Southern Oregon.
Watching hundreds of juvenile chinook jumping at the face of the culvert last spring was the straw that broke the camel's back and started us down the path of building the Lazy Creek fish ladder. These young salmon were attempting to find a cool water sanctuary to rear through the summer. That's exactly what's upstream of the barriers. So we started the quest of assuring that salmon and steelhead would have free passage to the headwaters of Lazy Creek.
First step! Fill the 3 ft deep plunge pool below falls. 12 yards of crushed rock were shoveled in by hand. That's more than a dump truck load!
Pool was filled and leveled with rock. Then it was covered with screen to minimize erosion from beneath concrete slab platform.
Prepping rebar before pouring slab.
Prepped and ready to pour!
32 bags of concrete mixed in a trash can!
Playing legos and mixing more concrete! 22 more bags!
Phase 1 done! Ready for more rock!
More screen and 8 more yards of rock to support ladder and direct fish to it's entrance.
Screen is then closed up with wire and secured with large boulders. Large rock was also used to create a jump-pool for first step of ladder. Left side nearly done! Ready to move onto the right!
Juvenile steelhead making the first step up the ladder on the way to it's new winter refuge!
Young of the year steelhead. It was one of the first I documented that made its way through the ladder!
Healthy teenager caught a mile upstream of the ladder in an ODFW trap monitoring salmon and steelhead populations using the newly accessable reaches of the Lazy Creek.
As enthusiastic as I was to take on this task, I had no idea how much it would ultimately end up costing. It ended up being a situation of "the never ending project". The further we got into it, the more we learned, and the more tweeks and additions we needed. A matter of fact, with the first autumn rains, I continued to add more rock and concrete as I saw how the water moved and the fish reacted. And once the water dropped this spring, I've had to add more rock and concrete to reinforce and repair damage after the winter's high water. Up to date, I am in $2700 on the Lazy Creek ladder alone. I have paid for every penny of it out of my own pocket. I was fortunate enough to have a good friend write a check for the initial cost of the Jackson Creek ladder. But once again, since its completion, I have continued to add more block, rocks, and concrete. I am now in another$250 on the Jackson Creek project. I have set up this site to hopefully recoup what I spent in material costs on both of these projects as well as the fish traps we've just now built. I am more than happy to volunteer my time to build these things but have simply reached a point where I can't afford to pay for them. Please help so we can continue our work!
Here's a quick look at the Jackson Creek ladder we built:
Jackson Creek ladder nearly done!
Hanley Road culvert has completely blocked fish passage for almost 70 years! It sadly has been the road block to over 10 miles of some of the Rogue Basin's best spawning and rearing habitat for both salmon and steelhead.
Laying the block!
First water to flow through ladder! Far from done!
Salmon and steelhead are now able to pass freely to this and 10 more miles of such perfect habitat!
A picture of possibly the most meaningful fish I've ever caught. This juvenile steelhead was caught upstream of the Jackson Creek ladder during a survey I did with ODFW. Fish of this size are about a year and a half old and have simply migrated upstream looking for rearing habitat. Given the fact that the ladder had only been in about 6 months at point of capture, this fish doesn't represent proof of spawning. But still so rewarding to know that our efforts have proven worthwhile. Look how healthy this little guy is! The creek is obviously full of fish food and great rearing habitat!
In March, we observed our first adult upstream of the old Hanley Road barrier and got one step closer to verifying the ladder has opened up new habitat to active spawning in Jackson Creek.
The very fact that we have had such a hard time documenting adults upstream of the ladder is indicative of just how healthy this Rogue tributary is. The long stretches of perfect spawning gravel are accompanied by an endless number of deep pools, cut banks, log jams, beaver dams and deposits of large woody structure. When walking the stream, I honestly felt like it could be full of fish and it would be nearly impossible to spot one. We were obviously very lucky to find this female tucked up under some over-hanging blackberries.
As spring approached, I'd been more than anxious to see if the female we found above the Jackson Cr ladder had found a boyfriend. I will never walk the banks of a river again and take for granted the little fry I see darting around the shallows. The first young of the year I witnessed above the old barrier changed my perspective on what a miracle each of these truly are. We've now found several pods of fry spread over a couple miles of creek that I'm certain represent at least a few different spawns. Success!
Still a lot of work to be done around the Rogue Basin. Please help us recoup our costs so we can continue on!
Next project at hand!
Thank you!
I plan to make regular posts at this site to keep everybody updated on the latest with both Jackson and Lazy Creek. We currently have four traps at different locations on Jackson Creek to monitor downstream migration of juvies. I'll try to keep regular counts posted here for those interested.
Jackson Creek Trap #1 (most upper)
Jackson Creek Trap #2
Jackson Creek Trap #3
Jackson Creek Trap #4 (Lowest)
Catch and carry of Jackson Creek fish from trap sites to below irrigation diversion dams. The traps not only allow us to monitor numbers, population distribution and migration timing but also enables us to leap frog the fish far enough down the creek that they don't have to survive the hurdles presented by a number of irrigation dams. This effort will drastically decrease the mortality caused by pumps, screens, and high water temps.
Jackson traps fish counts:
5/5/19 Upper 1 SH fry
Lower 3 SH fry
5/6/19 Upper 0 Irrigation gate was down so trap was flooded
Lower 1 SH fry 59 degrees. Trap was partially blown out
1 bluegill
3 SH fry netted below trade
5/7/19 Upper 0 Gate down
Lower 13 SH fry 58 degrees
3 SH smolts (6-7")
2 shiners
4 SH fry netted below trap
Walked OSU research reach. Few fry in lower end. Lots in the couple hundred yard stretch below washout as creek leaves Hanley Rd.
5/8/19 Upper 0 Gate down
Lower 8 SH fry 58 degrees a.m. / 65 degrees p.m.
3 SH smolts (6-7")
1 bluegill
2 SH fy netted
5/9/19 Upper
5/10/19 Upper
5/11/19 Upper
5/12/19 Upper
5/13/19 Upper 6 SH parr 56 degrees
2 shiners
Lower 7 SH parr 60 degrees
1 SH fry
5/14/19 Upper 18 SH parr 57 degrees
1 largemouth bass 14"
1 shiner
Lower 1 SH smolt (5") 60 degrees
18 SH parr
1 shiner
2 bluegill
5/15/19 #1 6 SH parr 56 degrees
2 fry
2 shiners
1 lamprey
#2 10 fry
2 shiners
#3 1 SH parr
3 fry
#4 1 SH smolt (6") 60 degrees
47 SH parr
1 fry
5/15 release party!
5/16/19 #1 2 SH parr
#2 5 SH parr
#3 8 SH parr
#4 38 SH parr
5/17/19 #1 4 SH parr 56 degrees - cooler after rain storm
#2 0 Entrance clogged after storm
#3 7 SH parr
#4 21 SH parr 58 degrees
1 Largemouth bass
1 Crawdad
5/18/19 #1 9 SH parr No temps or details. Had someone else check trap
#2 2 SH parr
#3 8 SH parr
5 dead SH parr
#4 17 SH parr
5/19/19 #1 6 SH parr 56 degrees
2 shiners
#2 0 - blown out after high water
#3 6 SH parr
1 fry
5 dead SH parr
#4 14 SH parr 58 degrees
2 shiners
5/20/19 #1 1 SH parr 54 degrees - blown out after high water
1 fry
#2 12 fry - all herded into it
#3 9 SH parr - no dead after moving trap back to deeper water
#4 1 SH smolt (4-5") 56 degrees
20 SH parr
1 sculpin
4 shiners
5/21/19 #1 5 SH parr 54 degrees
#2 14 SH parr
#3 6 SH parr
#4 15 SH parr 56 degrees
3 shiners
Rain last night creek came up a bit. Biggest out- migration seems to happen during dropping/warming conditions.
5/30/19 #1 8 SH parr 62 degrees
1 shiner
#2 1 shiner
#3 52 SH parr
1 shiner (red finned)
#4 123 SH parr - big increase in outmigration with water temp rising again
1 SH smolt (7")
1 SH fry
1 shiner
5/31/19 #1 31 SH parr 65 degrees
2 shiners
#2 0 - removed one fence
#3 35 SH parr
#4 154 SH parr
2 shiners
Biggest release to date! 154 steelhead juvis released below last irrigation diversion dam. Free sailing from this point on as they continue their down migration to the cooler waters of the Rogue River where they will spend the summer months.
The new #2 trap site! Third pipe and trap box still needs to be installed.
We are very fortunate to have some land owners working with us on our Jackson Creek project. Not only have they been willing to let us trap and monitor on their property but have now given us the green light to retrofit their irrigation diversion dam with a fish trap. The primary goal of this modification is to improve passage for out-migrating juvis that are very hesitant to swim over a large barrier with very little flow going over the top of it. The 4" holes in the diversion boards direct flow and therefore the young fish to the corner of the dam where a surprisingly strong suction captures even the most reluctant migrants. This trap set-up will also give us a much more accurate assessment of spawning escapement above the Hanley Rd ladder. We are hoping this is the first of what will be the model for all of the diversion dams throughout the valley. Once again, your support is helping us with all these efforts!
6/1/19 #1 74 SH parr
3 shiners
#2 14 - the new #2 trap at dam site
#3 154 SH parr
1 shiner
Ended up having to release all the fish above trap #3 before transport because it was obvious they were being stressed. Over 200 in a bucket is way too many! Will be more prepared next time. Going to purchase an aerator and more buckets!
#4 Didn't have time to get to trap #4 before running off to Portland for my son's basketball and could find someone to fill-in. If you live locally in the Rogue Valley and are interested in helping monitor traps, please contact me. Love to get others involved as we increase the number of monitoring sites.
6/2/19 Too many in bucket to catch and carry. 14 in trap #2, 74 in #1, 143 in trap #3 released in log jam pool below Ross.
6/3/19 No time for catch and carry. 34 in trap #2 let go below Ross Bridge. 351 in trap #3 released up stream of trap.
6/4/19 #1 78 SH parr
#2 7 SH parr
#3 237 SH parr
#4 197 SH parr
1 SH smolt
2 sculpin
6/5/19 #1 191 SH parr 64 degrees Creek is getting very low
2 shiners
#2 38 SH parr
1 SH smolt 9"
#3 168 SH parr
1 lamprey
#4 236 SH parr
2 fry
1 shiner
6/7/19 #1 103 SH parr
#2 13 SH parr
#3 25 SH parr
30+ crawfish
#4 227 SH parr 63 degrees
6/8/19 #1 105 SH parr 60 degrees
1 shiner
1 lamprey
#2 23 parr
3 baby bass
#3 14 SH parr Trap plugged by beavers. 100+ crawfish
#4 242 SH parr
2 fry
2 shiners
2 fat head minnow
6/9/19 #1 185 SH parr 58 degrees
2 shiners
#2 8 SH parr
3 baby bass
#3 34 SH parr
1 shiner
#4 173 SH parr 58 degrees
6/10/19 #1 132 SH parr
2 shiners
#2 5 SH parr Pipe broke
#3 46 SH parr
2 shiners
#4 67 SH parr
Rescued 9 SH parr at the Kane Cr trap. Walked 200 yards of creek up from Foley Lane. Creek was still flowing but spotted no fish. They must have successfully migrated down.
6/11/19 #1 86 SH parr
2 shiners
#2 7 SH parr
#3 6 SH parr
3 shiners
#4 79 SH parr 65 degrees
1 fry
10 shiner fry
Rescued 17 at Kane Cr trap just above dry-up point.
6/12/19 Guided today. Didn’t make it to Jackson Creek traps. Rescued 19 SH parr on Kane Cr. Trap is now dry so fish were dip netted out of landlocked pools.
6/13/19 #1 407 SH parr
#2 57 SH parr
#3 48 SH parr
#4 378 SH parr
6/14/19 #1 273 SH parr
#2 29 SH parr
#3 54 SH parr
#4 115 SH parr
No temps details for prior two days. I had a fill-in checking trap.
6/17/19 #1 88 SH parr
#2 12 SH parr
1 resident rainbow
#3 27 SH parr
#4 49 SH parr
6/19/19 #1 100 SH parr
#2 18 SH parr
#3 0 Diversion gate up and trap was flooded. Lid floated off
#4 44 SH parr
30+ baby bass
No temps details for prior two days. I had a fill-in checking trap.
6/23/19 #1 28 SH parr
#2 7 SH parr
#3 43 SH parr
#4 19 SH parr
Lots of baby bass
6/26/19 #1 21 SH parr
#2 3 SH parr
#3 30 SH parr Beaver blocked trap.
#4 10 SH parr
No details or counts other than SH because I had someone filling in to check traps.
6/30/19 #1 54 SH parr
1 baby bass
2 shiners
1 flat head minnow
#2 11 SH parr
2 baby bass
#3 12 SH parr
Lots of shiner fry. Trap plugged by beavers.
#4 13 SH parr
2 bluegill
4 baby bass
2 shiners
1 flathead minnow
Beavers had completely dammed creek just above logjam above trap 3. Tore the dam out to allow fish passage.
7/2/19 #1 21 SH parr 69 degrees evening water temp
#2 4 SH parr 68 degrees evening water temp
#3 15 SH parr 68 degrees evening water temp
#4 8 SH parr
1 sculpin
Small steelhead parr with a mouthful of shiner fry! Definitely a future intruder eater!!!
7/3/19 #1 11 SH parr
#2 8 SH parr
#3 2 fry 68 degrees evening water temp
6 parr
1 sculpin
#4 3 fry 67 degrees evening water temp
23 parr
2 sculpin
1 catfish
2 flathead minnows
67 degrees evening temp at release point. Starting to be too many shiner fry to counts. Continues to be many juvenile bass.
7/4/19 #1 4 SH parr 68 degrees evening water temp
#2 1 SH parr 70 degrees evening water temp
#3 2 fry 69 degrees evening water temp
#4 4 fry 69 degrees evening water temp
14 SH parr
1 sculpin
1 catfish
67 degrees evening water temp at release point.
7/5/19 #1 3 SH parr 68 degrees morning water temp
#2 1 SH parr 68 degrees morning water temp
#3 1 SH parr 68 degrees morning water temp
#4 6 fry 68
14 SH parr
3 catfish
68 degrees morning water temp at release point
Added another trap (#3b) about halfway between traps 3 and 4 today. This trap is just above the point where the largest amount of irrigation water is diverted into the creek. Should provide a better capture point than #4 given the smaller flows. Also removed trap #1. It was only a short distance above #2 and this site is fishing better.
Obviously fish counts have significantly dropped off. Hopefully a good sign that most of them have successfully made it down to the Rogue before the lethal summer creek temps have set in.
7/8/2019 #1 Removed
# 2 8 SH parr
# 3 4 SH parr
# 3b 9 SH parr
#4 1 SH parr
7/9/2019 #2 7 SH parr
#3 2 SH parr
#3b 2 fry
1 sculpin
#4 2 SH parr
Trap 3b was blown out as debris washed down. Who knows how long it didn’t fish.
7/10/2019 #2 3 SH parr
#3 5 SH parr
#3b 3 SH parr
#4 3 SH parr
1 sculpin
Trap 3b had partially blown out again so maybe a few slipped by. Still getting the kinks worked out at this site.
7/12/2019 #2 8 SH parr
#3 0 Irrigation gate down so trap was flooded
#3b 3fry
2 SH parr
3 sculpin
#4 3 fry
1 SH parr
3 catfish
One of the reasons we are transporting the fish caught at trap sites below the irrigation diversion dams. The above pictures show a steelhead parr that died after being sucked against pump screen at dam site. We are currently working to resolve the issues at these dam sites so fish transport will no longer be necessary.
7/13/2019 #2 1 fry 70 degrees morn
1 SH
#3 2 fry 70 degrees morn
3 SH
1 sculpin
1 flathead minnow
#3b 2 fry 69 degrees morn
3 SH
1 sculpin
Trap 3b fished 100% today. No water went around or under for first time since it’s been in.
#4 1 fry 70 degrees morn
Still evidence of a couple different hatches. Clearly seeing two distinct sizes. This is either evidence of some winter steelhead spawning or more likely just a result of the two different high water events we had this winter. This could have clearly led to two different up-migrations of adult summer steelhead.
7/15/2019 #2 0. 71 degrees @ 2:30
#3 2 (50mm) 70 degrees
#3b 1(40mm) 2(50mm)
1(60mm). 71 degrees @ 3:00
#4 0 not 1 fish 71 @ 3:45
7/16/2019 #2 0. 71 @ 3:30
#3 2(40mm) 71 @ 6:00
#3b 2(40mm) 3(50mm)
3 sculpin 2 flathead. 73 @ 5:30
#4 2(40mm) 1(60mm)
73 degrees @ 7:30 @ 630. Significantly @ all the traps. Lowest it’s been since irrigation water was dumped in.
8/5/2019 #2 1 (60mm) 72 deg@3:30
#3 0 74 deg @ 4:00
Beaver plugged hole. Side creek 78 deg
76 deg below confluence
#3b 3(50mm) 76 deg @7:00
#4 1(70mm) 75 deg @7:30
Creek is at it lowest point yet. Water below pipes at trap 2 dam site. Only water flowing below that point is seepage at dam site. Deeper pools still have plenty of water but minimal flow between pools. Afternoon water temps still seem to be ok.
Into the first week of August, still seeing juvenile steelhead less than 50mm which may suggest some winter steelhead spawning. The biggest outmigration of summer steelhead juveniles occurred the first two weeks of June and most were already 60mm or longer. Still have a ton to learn about this small stream.
Taken August 5
We are currently working on retro-fitting a diversion dam on Jackson Cr with a fish trap. This design will not only allow for easy outmigration passage but will enable us to take a more accurate count of juvi populations.
Thank you so much for all the support! We’ll keep up the work on our end and keep you posted as we go!
Scott Howell
Jacksonville, OR