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Rogue's Road to Recovery

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Meet Rogue. She is an 11 year old, quarter horse mare from Eureka, CA. My name is Delaney, I am a 9 year old who is lucky enough to know, love and ride Rogue as much as I possibly can. I met Rogue and her amazing owner Tiffany at the beginning of this year. Of all the horses I have ever ridden, Rogue is my absolute favorite. She is sassy, she really makes you work, she is sweet and ever so patient. Rogue is a special horse that has overcome so very much, but still has a big obstacle ahead of her. 

Rogue was donated to my riding instructor Tiffany, after winning a battle against cancer, but was then diagnosed with Ring bone (a form of arthritis). Tiffany worked with her and got her ring bone stabilized. Rogue was trained to be a trail horse and work for Tiffany's trail company (Trail Rides of Ojai LLC, now Infinite Horsemanship) for a couple years before being leased to one of Tiffany's friends, due to her attitude with inexperienced riders. When Rogue was returned after the lease, she was in terrible condition. Tiffany rehabbed her and restarted her training, but there was an issue. She had a benign tumor on her left eyelid that had remained untreated and had grown to the size of a lime. The vet at that point advised the tumor be allowed to grow, since the eyelid was forfeit, until she could no longer open her eye. This would allow her a gradual transition to being blind on her left side, and would allow her to adapt in the least stressful way possible. Tiffany was assured that the tumor wasn't painful, but horribly itchy.

We have finally reached the moment when Rogue can no longer open her eye! It has been so hard and heart breaking  for me to come to ride every week and watch the tumor  grow and know the discomfort that comes along with it. But Rogue never complains and is always a good girl for my whole lesson. She has been an amazingly patient horse through this process, and has even become a favorite lesson horse to many children.  It's time to remove the tumor, and Tiffany is out of funds. The money that had been set aside for the surgery had to be used during the Thomas Fire in Ojai to take care of the horses while they couldn't do lessons due to air quality.

At this point Rogue needs to have her eye and tumor removed, medical supplies to change her bandages twice a day are needed, as is a lot of extra food for Rogue as she loses weight due to stress when she isn't working.

Please help Tiffany bring some much needed relief to dear, sweet Rogue. I will send each and every person a picture via email (if provided) a picture of Rogue post-surgery, once she has recovered!

I thank you, Tiffany thanks you and Rogue thanks you!!!


  • Tawnya Love
    • $20
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Laura Murphy Hanson
Ventura, CA
Tiffany Colohan
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