Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Rolando Ofrancia Torres

Spende geschützt
Rolando Ofrancia Torres, a husband, father, grandfather, brother, uncle, cousin, friend. He was known by many people, but most importantly he was known to be a fighter.
Rolando also known as Rolly has faced many challenges in his life, beginning August 2013 when he had his first stroke where he had to get a triple heart by pass to survive. But soon after he was diagnosed with renal failure. For 10 years he has battled his diagnosis and had gone through numerous treatments of dialysis 3 times a week, in order to maintain his life. On June 28, 2024 Rolando passed away and is survived by his 3 children with their spouses and grandchildren.
We the family are asking for help for the funeral expences for our Dad/Grandpa(Ampa).
Thank you everyone for your support. We love you all.


  • Irene S
    • $200 
    • 5 d
  • Janice Pestanas
    • $200 
    • 5 d
  • Jo Ana Meliza Camba Yumol
    • $200 
    • 6 d
  • Anonym
    • $25 
    • 6 d
  • Geneveve Tolentino
    • $100 
    • 6 d


Marnellie Galvez
Seattle, WA

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