Rollo’s Medical Treatment & Vet Bills
Donation protected

We’ve loved and raised him since he was a puppy in Grass Valley, California. Everyone we know in the community loves him. He is the kindest teddy bear of giant rotties, weighing in at 140 pounds. He doesn’t know how big he is though, and would rather sit on top of you or press himself against you than be anywhere else, while indoors or out.
He is about to turn 6 years old this September and although his young age, we’ve been shocked and shattered to discover that he has cancer. It is relatively early, however. There are treatment options that are optimistic, and suggest that he could have a substantial amount of quality time left and that remission is possible.
Diagnosis has been an unexpected and substantial situation for us, and the treatment protocol is not an easy option for us at this time. But we believe he deserves a real shot to continue to do some of his favorite things. He loves to roll 60 pound rocks out of the river and onto the bank while growling and making bubbles like a motorboat. He loves to rumble and bark at the mail man through his favorite window. He loves to stare into your eyes, sit on your feet, and sigh (no kidding). He loves to carry, wrestle, toss, and fetch construction cones, often returning to you wearing them on his head. He loves to slide through the snow like a penguin, even if there’s only a two foot patch to be found. He loves to meet new dog friends and whimpers until they’re close enough to sniff. He loves to anxiously count the long seconds between Matt pulling up in the driveway and bursting through the door to greet him first, every night. He loves to hop backwards onto his bed and catch his favorite toys. He loves to lay on his back and snore louder than anyone (person or dog) we know. He loves to run up the stairs and coax us out of bed in the mornings. He loves to race through the door to his bed when it’s raining as if he’s going to melt. He loves to pretend he not looking when I am watering the plants, waiting and hoping for a quick spray to the face. He loves sitting on the porch and watching birds. And he loves to be with his family and friends, swimming in gold lake, hiking and romping around grouse ridge, riding in the kayak with his paws draped over the edge, sleeping under your chair at dinner, and laying proudly in soft green grass.
He’s a gift, a special and soulful dog with so much more life to live. We love him more than anything else, and we are so grateful for any support that can enable us to keep doing so. We thank you for your time and consideration in helping us continue to provide the best life and care we possibly can for our Rollo. Anything helps.
Courtney Reiswig
Grass Valley, CA