Ronnie Kelly’s Fight for Life
My name is Cammie Balducci, and I would like to tell you a story about my best friend of 38 years, Beth Kelly. This is a story that I never thought I would have to tell. I met a really special person 19 years ago. His name is Ronnie Kelly. Yes, he is Beth’s wonderful husband! Unfortunately, I have really sad news to tell. Ronnie is fighting for his life.
Ronnie was diagnosed with the dreadful disease cancer for the second time. He beat cancer once, but this time he will be fighting for every single day he lives. On February 25, 2021, he was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma non-small cell stage 4 lung cancer. His right lung is encased and the cancer is not allowing his lung to inflate properly. This is causing Ronnie to have severe pain. The cancer has metastasized to the left lung, lymph nodes, and adrenal gland. This is pretty scary stuff, right? Unfortunately, surgery is not an option, radiation is not an option, but there are 2 options for Ronnie. He doesn’t do anything or he fights to live! If Ronnie chooses the first option, his medical team suggests that he will live 6 months. However, if he chooses to fight, he will have to endure Chemotherapy. This option may extend his life to 12 months according to his medical team. So, what does Ronnie do? He fights! With every ounce of his soul, Ronnie will fight for life!
Now, I would like to tell you a little about Ronnie. Ronnie is 59 years old and loves and adores his family. He has devoted friends, and he goes out of his way for everyone. He has a heart of gold and can make you laugh no matter what is happening. Ronnie is known for his ability to love and help people: He is truly selfless. Now, he needs our help. Last year, the pandemic hit everyone pretty hard, especially Ronnie and Beth. Sadly, they had to close their clothing store, The Rustic Nail, last year. This was a great source of income for them. Their future financial plans have been placed on hold due to Ronnie’s declining health.
Ronnie needs your financial help! You see, Ronnie was blessed with 4 children and 3 grandchildren. His children are Robin (34), Lauren (31), Hannah (15), and Hunter (15). His grandchildren are Dawson (10), Ophelia (18 months), and Zane (7 months). Hannah and Hunter are twins. They are the youngest of the children and still live at home. There are financial responsibilities at home, which are being met slowly due to his health. In addition, Ronnie will need money for out of pocket medical expenses. He may need to travel out of state for medical care. We just do not know all the answers yet. We cannot wait to see what’s going to happen. If Ronnie does nothing and does not receive medical care, he will be on the dreaded term no one wants to hear, HOSPICE! That is not an option right now.
Last night, Beth and Ronnie had to tell the children the dreadful news. I went over to their house later that night to see what I could do. Let me tell you this… I walked into a heartbroken home. You could feel so much love and compassion for Ronnie. The children were shocked, and there were too many tears to count. I felt completely helpless. It was at this point, when I realized that Ronnie needs us! I love our little community here in Cleveland, Mississippi. We are known for love and hospitality. Please, I am asking every single person to donate to Ronnie Kelly. It doesn’t matter what amount. 1 dollar can make a difference. I understand if you cannot donate at this time, please just share Ronnie’s story. Also, please pray for Ronnie. His heart is unsettled, and he is scared. Thank you for reading this, and I promise I will keep everyone updated. Love to all!
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
Hannah, Ronnie, Beth, and Hunter
Ronnie and Lauren
Robin and Ronnie