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Rooney needs surgery

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I never thought I would have to make one of these, but here we are.

On Monday February 19th, We took Rooney to get neutered at A humane society because of the great reviews and low cost. We had been previously quoted at 750 dollars which was way out of our price range.  Everything seemed to be going as planned until we woke up today and found that he was bleeding out of his wounds and has a serious infection near his incision site and a lump in his belly that wasn’t there before. Rooney is currently in surgery but will be out today. He will have a drain in his belly that will help his infection but I don’t know all the details yet because he is about to be in surgery.  I’m asking for help because on top of paying what we already paid for him to be neutered, we now have another 750-800 dollar expense for this surgery. Justin and I will take turns missing work but on top of the surgery, so we won’t be making money. 

If you can help,  Us and Rooney would appericiate anything you can give. We just want our little babe to be okay. 


  • Aaron Smith
    • $25
    • 7 yrs


Meagan Atkins
Chicago, IL

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