Get Rid Of #Pitbulls-ESA Discrimination-We Found a Place!
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Hello world, I really don't know where to start so here goes.
THIS is what my family got this year for Christmas.
This whole thing has turned into something so Illegal.
We are straight up being harassed by him.
I just want so far away from this landlord and his harassment cus that is what it has come down to.
Please, Please, Please, Share, Share, Share.
Please see updates.
Around dinner time 11/28 I get a notice on my door
"You Have 7 Days To GET RID of the Pitbulls"
IF you want to stay here til the end of your lease 1/31/2024.
2nd Notice stated he WILL NOT renew the lease.
I will add These dogs have NEVER hurt anyone Ever.
Yes they bark they are dogs.
But they have never bitten or hurt ANYONE.
The dogs are registered ESA animals so what is being done to us is Illegal.
Part of FL law is that landlords can not charge fees or can animals' be discriminated against due to breed as there are NO Longer any bans across the state for Pitbulls.
His compromise in all this is, in order for him to renew the lease he wants to add an additional $538 to the rent. We simply can not afford to pay over $2000/ a month.
Again for ESA this is illegal.
The New FL Laws are :
Ban on Pitbulls Lifted in Florida SB942
Updated ESA Florida SB760-27
My 5yr old American Staffordshire Terrier, Rottweiler mix he has known about for years.
I let my landlord then know right away 5 yrs ago he was cool with it said that's fine.
Then I got super sick last year, had about 5 months in bed that dog stayed with me EVERY second except for the week was in the hospital. Roscoe is very friendly he just Loves Frenz.
Roscoe is my Rock!
My 11mo old Husky Mix (Supposed to be a Pit, Husky Mix but a Pit can be ANY of 5 breeds) there are no papers so who knows what she really is Other than obviously Husky who the landlord SEEN when he was INSIDE the house this past September. Stella is the most living cuddly licky little thing in the world she is NO threat to anyone what so ever.
You simply can not hide to large breed dogs, nor had anyone tried.
This was not about the dogs at all THIS is all about him being mad that I called him out & he got caught lying about fixing the $10 valve.
I told him I for $1485 he gets like clockwork EVERY month we lived here ( 2/19/2016 we moved in ) thing SHOULD be fixed right & I have had it with his non-professionals every drunk / crack /meth head he hires , who obviously do not know what they are doing so he needs to Hire professionals who WILL fix things right...
I was screamed at & Told I do not tell him what to do..
The rent is paid till the end of the lease 1/31.
I have a security deposit he demanded after we lived here 5 yrs.
Now for the Health
My 19yr old needs to have heart surgery in a few weeks. The landlord was told about this & the best he can do is put added stress on my family right now ?
How cruel, evil & sadistic can someone be who had had his Rent EVERY month for the last almost 8 yrs.
I will say as a mom I NEVER been more scared in my life, I do not care HOW simple or how many times the doctor has done this that is my baby boy & I'm freaking scared!
My son can sincerely drop from a heart attack at any moment.
STRESS is the ultimate worst thing for him right now being told he may be homeless for his recovery can not be helping his situation.
We are also dealing with a situation with my 19yr old son needing heart surgery which has now been pushed off cus of dealing with this disaster cus I just don't need a kid trying to recovery from hear surgery homeless.
On 11/7 & 11/8 I had 2 back to back surgeries on my lower main arteries I am healing & feel a world better just not supposed to be lifting heavy objects.
My middle son had RA super bad some days he can barely get out of bed I'm currently fighting the state cus' they cut his medical he has had no meds for months to control his illness & we are waiting his SSI to come through.
My oldest does his best between taking care of his son and his mom, brothers & the dogs.
We just NEED help!
So I ask just Please no matter how small.
Please find it in your heart to help my family.

E Schmidt
Hudson, FL