Roussin China Adoption
Having children was always our biggest dream, but what seemed easy for some people was a constant struggle for us.
Our story starts like many others; we met, fell in love and decided to get married. But sadly the "having kids" part wasn't so easy for us and in April of 2015, our ability to ever have biological children was eliminated. Of course, this was devastating but we knew that there were other ways to have a family and in November 2016 we adopted our first child from China.
We always wanted to have at least two kids and after our trip to China we fell in love with the culture and knew that we would adopt from there a second time. But because of how expensive adoption is, we planned to wait a few years before considering it again. But once again God had other plans. Adoption was on our heart but we had no idea how we would finance it. However, our prayers were answered when we found out we would be getting a large sum of money from an unexpected source. So, we jumped into our second adoption process and didn't look back. Sadly, about a month later we found out that due to a paperwork error we wouldn't be getting any of that money. Of course we were devastated but since we were already invested into our adoption we couldn't turn back. So, we took a few deep breaths, a leap of faith and pressed on.
About a month later we saw the picture of our child and knew he was meant to be a part of our family. Sadly, he has had a very rough start to his young life. He was born with a rare birth defect that required surgery shortly after his birth and will require additional surgeries once he is home with us. His Chinese name means "hope for a joyful and happy life" and that is what we want to give him.
We have been tyring to come up with the money needed but it hasn't been easy. We had a couple yard sales and we hosted a large fundrasier that raised almost $6000! We have been saving like crazy and have been applying for several grants. I made this gofundme as a way for people to donate to our adoption if they feel called to do so. I am only setting the limit of this to $1000 as just a little bit extra that will help us. We don't care if it's $5, $50, or $500! Every day that passes because we are worrying about finances, is one more day that our son has to wait to know what a family feels like.
We want to thank you in advance for your support in the future of our family!
For more information please visit the following links: