We are raising money for Roxanne Ross. Just two weeks ago and in a matter of days, Roxanne and her family received the news that she has stage 3 breast cancer. It is considered to be an aggressive type at this time. Roxanne has two lovely boys Arturo and Memo. She is a single mom and has a lot of life ahead of her. Our family is asking graciously for donations for all the co-payments and to help get her through her chemotherapy and living expenses. Roxanne's insurance will not cover most of her treatments. Each treatment is 500.00. As she will be getting infusions every two weeks. On the picture, Roxanne is the one in pink, along with her sister Monique, and her boys. Today, 12/05/16 she starts her first infusion. Your consideration would be greatly appreciated. Please pray for this lovely woman and the family as she beats this cancer!
All family and friends.