Roy Noriega Family & Medical Assistance
Roy, also known by many as Papa Roy, received confirmation that he was positive for COVID-19 on Sunday July 5th. As his symptoms became more severe he was admitted into the UW Hospital on Wednesday July 8th. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday doctors monitored his breathing and tried to adjust his oxygen accordingly until he maxed out the amount of oxygen they were able to give him. Due to his oxygen levels continuing to drop severely low, doctors made the decision to put him on a ventilator this morning (July 12). He is currently stable and doing well. As there are still many unknowns to this virus and recovery time the doctors have expressed it could be up to several weeks of recovery.
Roy has always been the primary provider for his family, as well as, the carrier for health insurance benefits. He is out of sick days/personal days/vacation days due to COVID, therefore he is no longer receiving a paycheck. And as doctors estimate, is likely to be recovering up to several more weeks in the hospital. Roy is married to his wife Dawn and together they have 11 children (ages ranging from 30 - 9 years old) with 6 of them still living at home. These donated funds will be used to pay not only his medical bills, but will help sustain his family.
He is so thankful for all of the love and support and prayers of his children, children’s spouses, and friends. Roy is a genuine, caring, loving man who is always willing to help others. He is an amazing father and husband and spends most of his time with his family, who is missing him very much during this time. We are believing God is going to heal him completely and that he will have a smooth recovery. We thank everyone in advance for their love and support during this difficult time.