Royal G Startup Fund
RoyalGDesigns was created to help improve advertising campaigns for all business professionals by offering affordable Digital Branding.
They say the first year of starting a business is the hardest, well that did not stop RoyalGDesigns from offering new customers 50% off all services.The revenue generated went to the construction and structure of the company, as well as startup marketing and advertising.
Going into the New Year we're looking to expand the brand, by growing our team and creating more opportunities for the customer.. like offering another year of 50%OFF services.
Our startup fund will be going towards the startup capital & registering the business LLC
Mainly, any profit after the final cost of that will be going towards future sales and marketing, new hires, and hopefully new software & capital expenses.
The success of this fund will be a success for all participating as it is providing an opportunity for our designers as well as the many industry professionals we serve on the daily.
The beginning capital is the biggest obstacle we're facing, until the business has grown we are faced with spending our profit or coming out of our own pockets for press releases, advertising, etc until the name spreads. We have planned for these obstacles and are exceptional at troubleshooting to reach our goals...
Thanks In Advance
Agent Leman, for Royal G Est © 2018