Looking for a Hand Up! Please Support
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I'm AJ and the last few years has been filled with ups and downs, but the downs definitely outweigh the ups. I'm grateful for all the support the few people have shown me, but I come today to say it's not enough. I'm sorry to say that. Not only am I dealing with Diabetes that has been bad the last 2 years, battling Lymphoma, amd now a back and neck issues as a result of all this. I will be receiving several injections over the next few weeks and also a stimulator implanted surgically into my neck and spine. I will be incapacitated for a period of time. Any support to help with the monthly bills would be greatly appreciated. I know that life I lived, always helping others, will come back to aid me in these dark days ahead.
*****UPDATE **** As of Friday April 7th at my most recent Dr's Appointment, they have determined that I do have substantial brain damage and lesions. Also during blood work I had there , showed several signs of leukemia which made my heart drop. I will be undergoing alot of back and forth , 4 hr , round-trip for treatment that may or may not work. I can use everyone's support to help keep a roof over our head, lights and hot water, and other necessities. I will not stop fighting til this is over, whether I win or lose, I'm a fighter.
I wish inhad a positive update but my health is taking another turn for the worse. So roughly 5-6 weeks ago on Friday night I started seeing floaters in my left eye. Annoying but tolerable. The next morning upon waking up, floaters turned to what appeared to be blood drips. Immediately contacted the retina specialist. Got in for an appointment a day later but buy then I had lost all vision in my my left eye. I could still see light and hand movement,but very blurry. I had a rotation of injections and later treatments. I met with a glaucoma Dr about an hour away. During that appointment my eye pressures were high and in a dangerous level. Confirmed that my vision would never be regained. Since then, cannot see hand lotions, no light, nothing. The pain from the eye pressure being elevated is intolerable. Now my right eye wants to act up as well. My Peripheral vision is 99% lost. Elevated eye pressure, blurry but Slight bit of sight with glasses. So now the plan is too attempt to save my right eye from becoming my left, which I was given 6 months . I plan to treat with anything they throw at me. I've already lost the ability to drive, to podcast, to enjoy TV. I am asking for any financial help that can be given. Christmas is coming up, birthdays, and other holidays. Medications and traveling to my appointments is costly and I don't always have a driver. This has been the lowest point and now add to this is treatmentbfor central nervous system lymphoma and an undefined demylenating disease. I hope that you can find it in your heart to help me out. If you know me , reach out to me. I'll keep providing updates as they come.
Finally referred to an eye surgeon that will discuss and schedule my left eye removal. Would like to have fake glass eyes all set to go prior. Any donation helps to buy them. Since this is a huge part of my life, I will be attacking it with fun, I'd like to get some crazy looking ones, maybe with an led, or something colorful. I am.also have an intense laser surgery on July 1st on my right eye in hopes to prevent it from turning into my left eye. Again, no matter the size of the donation, it's all appreciated and will help offset the cost. Size doesn't matter, so please open your heart and leave me a contribution with a funny note to make me laugh. God knows I need it.
A.J. Zyla
Rome, NY