Ruiz Family Auction
Louie Ruiz is window cleaner/pressure washing contractor and family man based in Nashville, Tennessee. Louie and his wife Rebecca are also the parents of six kids ranging in age from 9 years down to five months.
Over the past four months, Louie has been through some pretty tough and painful medical times that have left him unable to work. What began with a simple procedure (ERCP) to have gallstones removed from a bile duct has since led to a series of surgeries and complications. Following a second ERCP surgery, Louie found himself in “excruciating pain,” then became extremely jaundiced and itchy as his liver started to malfunction.
This lead to the need for emergency gallbladder removal. What should have been a 45 minute, outpatient procedure ended up requiring five hours in surgery and a five-day inpatient hospitalization. Louie’s doctor said his case was the worst she’d experienced in her 20-year career. Louie is still in severe pain from an impacted gallstone and additional surgery may be required. It is unknown when Louie will be cleared to return to work.
In the meantime, the Ruiz family needs some financial help to get them through these tough times. Contributions of ANY SIZE will truly help this wonderful family and are greatly appreciated.
Additionally, thanks to the generosity of several industry vendors, there is also a second way to support the Ruiz family.
Over the next few weeks, the Ruiz Family Benefit Auction Facebook page will feature over $6,000 worth of items generously donated by the good folks at KEC Supplies, PowerWash.com, Pressure Tek, Reach-iT,
Sign2Day, and Southside Equipment. Check out the Ruiz Benefit Auction Facebook page at for more information. All auctioned items will be paid for through this gofundme page.
The donations will be used for medical expenses as well as everyday living expenses. 100% of the proceeds go directly to the Ruiz family.