The Christmas Run for Animals Ultramarathon
Did you know that 10 million turkeys are killed every year for Christmas dinners up and down the UK?
An overwhelming majority of these turkeys are factory farmed. That means they never see the light of day, never have space to roam, and never get to express their natural behaviours.
Instead, their short lives are spent inside a barn packed with thousands of other turkeys. The unhygienic conditions mean that disease is rampant.
In fact, the 2022 bird flu epidemic up and down the UK has led to a housing order, meaning no turkeys can go outside at all from early November onwards. So far, 3.5 million birds have been culled.
The resultant shortages mean that we in the UK will likely have to choose an alternative Christmas dinner anyway. So why not try a plant-based Christmas dinner this year?
After all, it isn't very Christmassy to force animals to suffer for their whole lives so that we can have a single meal. And the tradition of Christmas isn't in the meat - it's in enjoying the time we spend with loved ones.
Join us in extending the Christmas cheer to birds this year.
Join the millions of others across the UK who are going to have a plant-based feast with the family.
Fundraising team: The Runners (2)
Rory Cockshaw
Sean Barrs
Team member