Running for Andrea & PPP: Love and Solidarity
Hi people,
If you know me you might know that two of my favorite things in life are running and the Parole Preparation Project (PPP). You might also know that one of my favorite people, Andrea Yacka-Bible, received a diagnosis of stage 4 pancreatic cancer last year. This summer/fall I'm raising money for PPP--specifically for direct aid to people in prison--to honor my dear friend, colleague, and co-conspirator, Andrea, and to lift her up as she struggles through cancer treatment.
The plan:
Run the Wineglass Marathon on October 3, 2021 in Corning, NY.
Dedicate the race to Andrea.
Raise funds in her honor for the cause of her choosing and one very close to my own heart: PPP. Funds you donate will be part of a special fund at PPP that is used to extend care, support, and love to our collaborators in prison. PPP will use the money to directly support those in need with commissary funds.
It's been anguishing but also inspiring to witness Andrea coming to terms with this diagnosis, pursuing treatment, and taking care of herself and her loved ones. She has the most loving and supportive community of people in her life, but it's not easy. Andrea has reflected on her experience compared to what people experience in prison--we know many people who have suffered different forms of medical neglect in prison. Andrea's own experience with doctors, cancer treatment, and end-of-life planning has been harrowing enough outside of prison. She has a CaringBridge site where she posts updates.
Hopefully the funds you contribute will provide some comfort to those inside who are experiencing hardship, whether due to a medical issue or otherwise. It certainly will provide courage and motivation for me to train for this race knowing that the effort will be for a worthy cause.
So please, sponsor me in the Wineglass Marathon! Donate for Andrea! Donate to alleviate suffering in prison! No amount is too small.
For your entertainment, I'll post training updates and pics from the marathon itself on this page. Please follow me on Strava if you like (Nora Carroll). I do group runs with the Prospect Park Track Club and for non-PPTC members I'm always happy to have a running buddy so hit me up!
(That's me with the black top.)
Picture at the top (l to r) - Me/Nora, Michelle Lewin (Exec. Director of PPP), Andrea Yacka-Bible at a PPP event in 2016