Running for Athlete Mental Health Awareness
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I am so excited to share that I am running the Richmond Marathon along with Morgan's Message . Morgans Message is an organization that works to not only bring awareness to athlete’s mental health, but to create a space where we can share our experiences and open up to other people within the athlete community to build a support system for the days that felt like I just couldn’t make it though. I had the honor of helping bring MM to the William and Mary campus which ended up being one of the most formative experiences of my life. During my collegiate experience I faced many days where I felt like I just couldn’t continue on, so this November 10th on race day and each day in training where I feel like I can’t keep going, I will take that next step in remembrance of our fellow athletes who felt that next step was just too much for them to take on their own. I will run not only in remembrance but in an effort to end the stigma of athlete mental health. I look forward to sharing this journey with you all and hope you all want to join me and raising money and bringing awareness to a topic that is so near and dear to my heart. Together we can prevail through all
Sally Snead
Bon Air, VA
Morgan's Message INC