Running for Mom and the fight for a Dementia cure
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March 2024 marks the 3 year anniversary when Mom physically left this earth but she left us prior to that suffering from Dementia. A heart wrenching disease for family and friends but a few lessons from her laid the foundation to get through it the best we could.
- Know and love God
- Family is everything
- Be kind
- Laugh
- Work your ass off
- Never be a victim of circumstance
- Give of yourself
To the last point, I will be running the Philly Love Half Marathon this year and every year until my body says 'no more' in honor of her and the King family that suffered through this for many years. My hope is the next generation doesn't have to suffer through the same fate.
Any and all donations will go directly to Alzheimer's Association.
Tom Beatty
Chicago, IL
Alzheimer's Association