Running for Tony Morris
I am raising money for a cause very close to my heart. We lost my incredible Dad to a rare and aggressive cancer in August of 2020 and it completely ripped our lives apart. There are roughly 13,300 people diagnosed with new cases of kidney cancer each year, that's about 35 people every day.
I'm raising money in aid of The Ricky Casey Trust and every donation will help. The trust, based in my favourite city in the world (Manchester, of course!) works to support families struggling, spread awareness and aid further understanding and research, by way of clinical trials in the UK, into Renal Medullary Carcinoma or RMC and other similar renal cancers that are particularly prevalent in black men.
Alongside my amazing Covea colleagues, I am taking part in the colour run obstacle course on the 20th of May and I'm expecting to have some fun, get pelted with some bright colours and likely fall on my face once or twice - this is not a marathon people - but I can't tell you how hilarious my dad would find all of this as fitness has not historically been my forte!
If you've spent time laughing alongside my Dad, virtually through your tv every night or in person if you knew him, learning what's happening in your city or asking him what the weather is going to be like at the weekend I'd ask that you please take some time to donate to an amazing cause who are helping to stop some of the pain that thousands are going through every year.
Wish us luck :)
Rebecca Morris
The Ricky Casey Trust