Running London Marathon 2024 for GIRLS GOTTA RUN
Tax deductible
If you know me at all, you know I like coffee. And if I’m not talking about, making, or drinking coffee, I’m probably talking about running!
Having secured a ballot place for LM23, I had to pull out due to injury and defer my entry until 2024. So, fast forward to now, here I am, with much more confidence and training under my belt, attempting to run my first marathon.
Girls Gotta Run Foundation invests in girls who use running and education to empower themselves and their communities in Ethiopia, the birthplace of all Arabica coffees.
Ethiopian producers constantly grow and process some of the most special and delicious coffees and are definitely some of my favourite flavour profiles to drink. The majority of Ethiopian coffees are grown by small holder farmers with women playing a crucial role in the production.
Unfortunately, too often, women and girls don’t have the same rights, access to education and opportunities as men in their communities and GGRF are on a mission to change that!
Do you want to join me in giving something back to the communities that provide so many coffee drinkers with so much delicious coffee? Every donation will help. Thank you in advance for your contribution to this important cause.
More information about Girls Gotta Run Foundation, Inc.: Support 120 grade 5-7 student-athletes in Ethiopia with school funding, coaching, training and life skills.
Established 2006. IRS approved 501(c)3.

Wendy Bassett
Washington D.C., DC
Girls Gotta Run Foundation, Inc.