Running MBTA for Student-Athlete Mental Health
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College did not exactly started how I hoped it was going to, with far more ups and downs that I ever imagined. Through running I found a mode of therapy and connecting with myself. In addition to this, I was also able to get resources to work on myself and get out of that hole I was finding myself constantly stuck at. Now, I realize that there were a lot of hidden blessings in the process that were hard to see, but now I am aware this are the moments that have made my time at college a time of learning and personal growth. I realize that there are a lot of college students out there that don’t have the same luck as me in finding help and finding themselves. That is why I decided to raise money to help my fellow students in fighting this hidden opponent and raise awareness of mental health.

Francisco Jose Moguel Porte Petit
Boston, MA
The Hidden Opponent