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Wheel Chair Van

Donación protegida
The reason for this go fund me is to help my uncle and aunt, Salvador and Maria Segura purchase a brand new wheel chair accessible van because Maria suffers from muscular dystrophy.  They both give so much to the community in so many ways and recently they are running a ministry(Nueva Allianza) that helps at risk youth and families get out of addictions, like drugs and alcohol to name a few.  However, my uncle’s health has diminished and it’s very hard for him to physically put my aunt in and out the passenger seat every time they want to travel.  You see, they don’t have a wheel chair accessible van, that would make it so much easier for them to travel and accomplish their day to day activities.  Regardless of what obstacles they continue to face on a daily basis they continue to serve others.  Recently my uncle was diagnosed with Ménière’s disease that causes episodes of vertigo.  This makes it almost impossible for him to help his loving wife.  So I would like to bless them with this wheel chair accessible van.


  • Venice Luna
    • $60
    • 5 yrs


Sergio Segura
Fontana, CA

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