My Fathers House
Tax deductible
The building for The Lutheran Church and School of St. Luke is over 60 years old. The heating and air conditioning system throughout the building is the same 60 years old. It all needs to be new to stop the abundant nickel and diming in repairs that are ongoing. Hence, a My Father’s House Committee has been established and created a “Go Fund Me” approach for help, among the many other fundraising events and activities thought-out church and school. The new heating and air conditioning cost will be between $250,000.00 and $300,000.00. It will take us forever to save that much money, and because of the severity of the problem, the work should be completed preferably when all students are away for summer.
So, please consider helping our cause by clicking on the Go Fund Me link attached. There has been $65,000.00 raised to date. It is preferred to have the fundraising completed by June 1, 2020. All donations are tax deductible.
Thanking you in advance.
The My Father’s House Committee
So, please consider helping our cause by clicking on the Go Fund Me link attached. There has been $65,000.00 raised to date. It is preferred to have the fundraising completed by June 1, 2020. All donations are tax deductible.
Thanking you in advance.
The My Father’s House Committee
St Luke Church
Itasca, IL
Lutheran Church of St Luke (Lutheran School Of St Luke)