Ryan and Kelly Covid fund
If you’ve been a customer of fattys/ karma, you know who Ryan is. He greets everyone with a warm hug. He (or Kelly) has brought many pizzas to share with the regulars at the bar. More than likely has bought you a shot or two before. He breaks his back every weekend to ensure customers get the best experience possible.
Recently our fearless leader was admitted to the hospital with Covid-19. Ryan has been a staple in the downtown scene for years. He’s taken in many a wayward young adult and not only given them a job but has supported each and everyone one of his staff members through thick and thin. As his staff would say “If he fights this thing half as hard as he’s fought for any one of us in the past, he’s going to kick Covid’s ass.”
Let’s pitch in and help support Kelly and Ryan with all bills needed. They’ve given so much to the community, it’s the least we can do.