Ryan Kilpatrick - Funeral
This account was produced for the family of Ryan Kilpatrick, (Meathead) 1969-2017. Donations will go directly to his family for funeral expenses. Visitation will be at Chumuckla Comunity Church on Thursday March 16th, 6-7pm for family, 7-9 for friends. Services will be at Chumuckla Community Church at 11am on Friday March 17th with Burial to follow in Elizabeth Chapel Cemetary @ 8008 Cumuckla Hwy, Pace, Florida 2571. ACCOUNT WILL STAY OPEN UNTIL FAMILY DECIDES TO CLOSE. Thank each and every one of you for taking the time to make this small act of love, kindness and respect for our beloved Friend Ryan Kilpatrick, Meathead, may you Rest In Peace!
Account produced by myself, Chris Aquino, and approved by the Kilpatrick Family.