Ryan Naylor's Road to Recovery
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Hello everyone, my name is Ryan Naylor. I just turned 26 years old in April and I currently live in Port Richey Florida accompanied by my soon to be wife Brittany. On May 1st 2022 it was a normal Sunday off of work for Brittany and I, we had plans to go to Mitchel Park that sunday to meet up with her fellow co-workers to practice for a up coming Kickball game that her job would be hosting the following week! During this practice game of kickball I unfortunately suffered a complete Achellies Tendon Rupture while i was running around the bases on the field. After my injury occurred I had no option other than to go to the Medical Center of Trinity's ER without insurance to be seen for my injury where it was confimed that it was a total rupture of my left Achellies tendon. Without having insurance I was referred out to a orthopedic specialist on May 2nd, 2022 in Palm Harbor Flordia which accepted self pay options for me to be seen by a anckle and foot specialist. During my appointment with the orthopedic doctor that day I was immediately scheduled for surgery on May 13th 2022 nearly 2 weeks after my sustained injury. During this time I had to go on a LOA from my job at the Home Depot and placed on Short term Disability paying only 60% of my base pay. As my surgery date approached this put Brittany and I into a complete financial devastation as I had to open a Care Credit card in order to pay for my surgery in full and up front before they could even do my operation, nearly 10,000 dollars later I had to totally max out my credit card with only 6 months of intrest free if paid in full, this was due to not having insurance and unable to qualify for Medicad- if not paid in full my intrest rate will go to 27% this December which is totaly devastating. After my Achilles Tendon surgery on May 13th, 2022 I was able to go home to rest and start my healing process which is a very lengthy process for a Achilles Tendon Rupture. With this injury I am unable to move around much let alone walk as I can not apply weight on my left foot. Aproxmently six days later post OP I woke up in my bed with extremely sharp side and chest pains almost as if I was having a heart attack. Due to financial fears of already having to pay out of pocket for my surgery the last thing i could imagine was having to visit the Emergency Room once again for more pain. For nearly twelve hours I suffered in my apartment debating weather or not the pain in my side and the shortness or breathing would go away on it's own while I tried to google my way out of reality with home remedies. Brittany and I being in such a financial hole that we are in I kept pushing it off in fear of more debt. Around 5pm on Thursday May 19th 2022 that evening it was very clear I needed immediate medical attention, by the grace of God I was able to crawl down my staircase with a ruptured Tendon with the feeling of death approaching as the pain at this point felt very deadly in my chest as my heart and right lung felt like it was going to explode. Upon arrival to the ER I was imidetley rushed to the first room for the most critical conditions. At this time many test were performed including x-rays, CT scans, ultrasounds on my heart and on my operative leg. During this time it felt very clear that I was not going to make it out alive especially without knowing exactly what was happening to me. After heavy sedation, oxygen and medication I was finally seen by a cardiologist within thirty minutes of arrival which it was then confirmed that I had a Prevoked Saddle Pulmonary Embolism in my artery leading to my heart and lungs. I was immediately admitted to the ICU where it was unknown of my outcome at the time, a couple hours later while in the ICU without hesitation the doctors decided I needed emergency life or death situational surgery which was required to go in through my groin area to remove the blood clots in my lungs before they reached my heart. This emergency cardiovascular surgery was performed while I was awake, which led me to extreme anxiety and fear of a deadly situation. By the Grace of God the Cardiologist was able to save my life in time from the multiple blood clots. After the surgery I was placed back into the ICU for another four days where I found out that I had nearly thirty blood clots in my lungs. I was placed on IV blood thinning medication throughout the entire process to avoid furthing a blood clot issue. Around 9am the next morning I was told by my doctors at the time that I would absolutely have to be on blood thinning medication for a minimum of six months due to the severity of the Pulmonary Embolism. Without having insurance I was told by the hospital staffing that the Eliquis medication ranges from five hundred- nine hundred dollars monthly which absolutely crushed both Brittany and I as we fear that I will not be able to have this life saving medication that I need, lucky enough the hospital gave me a coupon to redeem at a pharmacy for a free one month supply of Eliquis. At this time we are unsure of how we will possible afford the medication I need, the surgery I put on my credit card and along side all of the ER medical Bill's including the emergency cardiovascular surgery I needed in order to save my life. In the future while my Achilles tendon heals I will need to have physical therapy which is very expensive out of pocket. This has been a very tragic and traumatizing experience for me, it went from a simple game of Kickball to a near death experience alongside a ruptured Achilles tendon. I give all praise to the Lord for keeping me alive through this time and having such a good woman by my side to help me day by day as we are struggling through this experience. I would like to ask at this time for any possible help financially to help me get through all the medical debt and in order to pay for my medications for six months at minimum. Every penny will help and I am extremely grateful for any donation of any kind as I will be in so much debt after all of this. Also I would like to ask for all the prayer warriors to continue praying for Brittany and I as we continue to worry about what the future may hold for me. At 26 years old i am scared for my life as this shouldn't happen to anyone this young. I just want to be able to live my normal life and continue to be happy and heal properly from my Achilles injury, its extremely devastating to also have to worry weather or not I will be able to have the proper blood thinning medication in order to survive and prevent future blood clots as I can not do to much while I heal from my injurys. The pain I'm experiencing is very upsetting, I now have potential lung damage from the blood clots and due to the surgery. I'm still occasionally coughing up blood here and there as I continue to heal from this procedure. I would like to thank you personally for reading my story and contributing to my cause even if it's a simple prayer for healing and a long life that I deserve. I work hard for everything in my life, but I had to put my pride to the side and reach out for help that I very much need. Anything will help, thank you! God bless you, and may God bless our Armed service members and God bless the USA. Again thank you for reading my story
Ryan Naylor
Port Richey, FL