Help us Expand!
Donation protected
Hi everyone, you may know us as the faces/owners/bakers of Knowrealitypie! We thought long and hard, agonizing for weeks and weeks, about initiating this fundraiser because honestly, it’s not the way we ever wanted to go. We have observed many other businesses doing so with mixed outcomes, but, alas, reality is where we are, and here we go. Put simply, our little pie business has outpaced our energy, expectations and our current operating/baking mode. We cannot continue to piecemeal it together, and a change is necessary. We are in need of updated equipment to aid in meeting production, a term we use loosely, because as you all know, our pies are all handmade, but there are tools which will help us meet current demand, and facilitate new growth, that we currently do not have and are vital to keeping our business up and running. We have reached a turning point of exhaustion after 7 whirlwind years, trying to maintain the status quo, using every creative option to continue to supply our pies to everyone, and the time has come for expansion of some sort. Simultaneously, our current landlord will be eliminating smaller businesses in lieu of larger corporate moneymakers, as we knew would be inevitable. Most of the saved income we had designated toward this eventuality, has been used staying afloat both during and after Covid, the damage of which, nobody could have foreseen. We have received little if any help, via outside Covid resources, funding/grants, etcetera, although we did apply. A lot. We have been approached by investors, but that is not viable for us, as we want to keep ahold of the business we have put so much time and sweat equity into, whole heart and passionate soul. It’s always been about quality, for you, the people. Not about, making money. However, without some new equipment and change in additional help and possibly a venue change, we will may have to step away from pie land as we know it now, close up shop, and move on down the road. It makes little sense to continue absorbing both personal mental, and physical tolls at our ages, without moving on to, or ever reaching, the next level of expansion which would include be a different location with a kitchen onsite and/or, pie ATMs and the many other goals and ideas we have not been able to implement; ie, in short, the true way this business should be run after the first years of a learning curve, now seasoned with firsthand experience. We believe given the opportunity, coupled with all we have learned through this pie business experience, and with the wide audience that we have reached over the years, it will continue to have success at the next small level. We have a pending book deal on the horizon, which also will require limited but some, funding. We hope you can join us on our journey to the future of what Knowrealitypie can be. We sincerely appreciate and hold dear in our hearts, all of our loyal pie fans, and all you have done to get us through Covid, and we are deeply, deeply grateful and humbled, for your continued pie purchases week after week after week of our very much loved pies, and your extremely gracious patience when we are too busy to accommodate. We are hoping to change that. Do what you can, any and all is so humbly appreciated. Donate and receive a free pie, with a donation $50 and above, when we can accommodate! With much gratitude and love, Tracy Ann & Kelly
Tracy DeVore
Los Angeles, CA