Bella's hospitalization & recovery
Donation protected
Hi, my name is Dana and our girl Bella has been hospitalized at the emergency vet after her mass removal surgery yesterday. After several expensive vet visits, medications that didn't help, blood work, an ultrasound, and the surgery it's left us strapped to pay for her emergency hospitalization.
As some of you may know, I found Bella abandoned in a play yard at the local shelter where I volunteer to walk dogs. It was one of the hottest days of July 2017 and she was in the first stages of heatstroke. She was just a teeny young puppy, maybe a couple of months old. I took her home overnight just for observation, but couldn't let her leave after feeling like we were meant to be together. Like I was meant to rescue her.
Just a month after adoption, she came down with parvo and was hospitalized for 7 very long days. I thought we were going to lose her. That was one of the hardest weeks of my life that year.
In 2020 she developed mysterious lesions on her body. After 3 different vets with none knowing what was wrong, we decided to opt for exploratory surgery and they found her microchip was the source of the infection. She had a long road of recovery ahead with way too many weeks wearing a cone and my son's old t-shirts tied in the back.
Recently my son moved in with his girlfriend he asked to take Bella with him. Bella had already stolen his heart long ago. Of course, it was hard for me to let her go, but it wasn't like I'd never see her again. A good excuse to see the kids on occasion! Bella isn't just my baby, she's Tyson's & Hannah's baby too.
Recently she began turning her nose up at food (something rare for our girl that uses a slow feeder) and losing weight. She didn't enjoy never-ending fetch or play time in the pool anymore. The vet could not tell us what was wrong and threw out the possibility of the dreaded C, but we wouldn't know until it got removed and sent off for testing. We should get those results next week.
The surgeon removed the baseball-sized mass that was attached to her stomach, pancreas, and small intestine. We hoped that once it was removed she would be feeling better soon, but she refused her medications and food and we could tell she needed intensive care.
The cost of her hospital stay is $1744.93 per day and the vet is hoping that she will be well enough to go home after 24-48 hours, but we don't know for sure. My Care Credit is maxed out and Tyson & Hannah don't have much extra cash after paying their bills in their new place. All donations received will go towards Bellas's hospitalization & recovery.
If you’re unable to donate, please help by sharing. We appreciate any help, whether it's donations, sharing or thoughts and prayers!
Dana, Tyson, & Hannah
Dana Richie
Round Rock, TX