Donate One Million Meals for the NHS Staff
Donation protected

One Million Meals is a charitable initiative of social entrepreneurs, doctors and food-preneurs to feed the frontline NHS staff free of cost nutritious meals as they are doing long 16 to 18 hours shift and are left with bag of crisps as most of the canteens are shut after 5 pm and it's very important to keep their energies intact.
Our doctors and support staff are dying in the line of duty
NURSE JENNY works at the A&E Department. After a 12 hours long shift, she finds herself staring at the vending machine as canteens close at 1700 hours. She would have loved some hot nutritious meal to pick up her spirits but there is no enough time before the next shift kicks in......!
SURGEON ADAM works in the COVID 19 Intensive Care Unit . The past two weeks have been really tough. He has been operating 16 to 18 hours with minimal break and mostly skip his meals. Vending machines at hospitals are mostly empty and canteens are shut, he is left with nothing but a bar of chocolate. He requires nutritious and healthy meal not just to function but to keep his spirits high on his esteemed duty....!
...................these are not imaginary stories. Your NHS keyworkers on the frontline are collapsing due to longer hours and absence of hot/ nutritious meals at the odd hours they are working to save us all.

We've served thousands of meals in the last one week through our own resources but got overwhelmed with the rising demands at the NHS, medical trusts, police and relevant agencies and institutions looking after the vulnerable people. So we've decided to come to you to ask for donations and support to meet the increasing demand. 100% of donations are spent on making the meals available to the end users.

Glad to serve hot meals through www.onemillionmeals.uk to our Superheroes @St-Thomas's today where Prime Minister @BorisJohnson is under treatment. We've got your back
Help us feed the NHS keyworkers at the frontline - whether you can sponsor one meal for £5 or one thousand meals- you are equally important to us. Every little helps - in defeating the Covid19 pandemic, together.
Our team started with 4 and is now 13-strong. We are an entirely voluntary operation and have appointed an advisory board to provide oversight and ensure we continue to make an impact. We take the responsibility you have given to us seriously.

One Million Meals is signing up hospitals from London, Midlands, the North, Scotland and Wales through our website where hospital sig-up option is available. We have received ongoing demand from the following hospitals and counting: Queen Elizabeth Hospital , Woolwich, Whipps Cross Hospital , Leytonstone, Glenfield Hospital, Savernake Community Hospital Wiltshire, Good Hope Hospital, Coventry Hospital, Frimley Park Hospital, Watford General Hospital, Leicester Royal Infirmary, Birmingham City Hospital, Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust, Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust, Kings Lynn Hospital Queen Elizabeth, Royal Albert Edward Infirmary, Epsom & St Helier Hospital, St Thomas Hospital, Lewisham university hospital, Royal Derby Hospital and Wexham Slough Hospital.
Thank you from all of us. We know that your solidarity makes a huge difference to all of the NHS keyworkers holding the frontline against Covid19.

Stay well at your homes and make yourself count at the same time by joining our campaign.
Let's beat Covid19 - by donating one meal at a time!
@TeamOneMillionMeals www.onemillionmeals.uk
LSE Engage supports #OneMillionMeals campaign
One Million Campaign in the Press:
Meals For Keyworkers