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Limon Aid Honduras

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Hello Everyone,

As many of you know, for the past three years I have volunteered and served on the Limon Aid medical mission trip led by Dr. Susan Caldwell (A Sparrow family practice physician) and her team.  In less than one week I will be heading back to Limon Honduras to provide medical treatment to this underserved and impoverished area.  Last year our team saw a record of over 1600 patients.  The only access these individuals receive is through the mission groups that come through during the dry season about every other week from February thru October each year.  All of our treatments and prescriptions are provided free of cost.

Through the organization we have also built an orphanage which today cares for up to 60 children (from babies to 16 years of age).   Previously they had been

 living in an abandoned hotel with three rooms. 

I am raising money to help fund the education of the orphans, which is privately funded because the public schools are very poor and are frequently closed due to nonpayment of salaries by the government.  It costs approximately $25,000 a year to run the school which educates 60 orphans as well as some of the poorest children in town.

$30 per month funds a child’s tuition expenses as well as sufficient funds to buy books, uniforms, and school supplies.  I can attest that this an excellent charity to donate to, ZERO administrative expenses are taken out of the money and 100% goes to supporting the children and their school.   Donations are tax deductible through this 503c corporation.  Any amount you can spare will benefit these children.  Thanks for taking the time to read about a cause that's very important to me.

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    • $1,000
    • 9 yrs


Edward Ash
Lansing, MI

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