Safe Haven needs critical ear surgery for Bubby!
Tax deductible
Bubby was found on the streets by a homeless youth who tired to give care to his damaged ears. The homeless shelter where the young man stayed wouldn't allow him to keep Bubby so a kind case worker helped find a No Kill organization that would make certain that Bubby receives all the medical care he needs.
Bubby was brought to Safe Haven and our vets found that Bubby suffered from long term, chronic ear infections that closed up his ears causing him great pain. The ear ablation surgery needed for both ears is very costly and has to be performed at an emergency hospital. With the medicines and appointments and surgeries Safe Haven will spend $13,000 to relieve Bubby of his horrible discomfort.
Please Help Safe Haven Humane Society in Wells Maine raise the money to pay for surgery for both his ears! Bubby's so very sweet and his future will be pain free if he gets the surgeries he needs. We are hoping you will tell your friends about Bubby and help us afford his care. Thank you!
More information about Safe Haven Humane Society: No-Kill cat rescue serving southern Maine
Joyce McKay
York, ME
Safe Haven Humane Society