Safe protest: Face Masks for all BLM protestors
Recently protests have been flaring up around the world in reaction to the indiscriminate amount of injustice that Black people have received initially in the US, sparked by the public lynchings of Breanna Taylor and George Floyd. The world has begun to recognize the massive worldwide problem of racism which has thrived under the power of systemic forms of oppression.
Thousands of people are showing up to march in demos and show their solidarity across the globe.
At the same time, we are still in the midst of a global pandemic, which black people are 4x as likely to be killed by.
‘The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Trusted Source recommends people wear cloth masks when in public spaces where physical distancing measures “are difficult to maintain.”
The CDC specifies this includes people who are demonstrating outdoors, face masks may still offer a significant level of protection.’
Because this protest is about Showing solidarity for black people, and because of the statistics that show they are at high risk of being affected by Covid-19, we would like to raise money to offer all protestors who show up for the demo this Saturday June 13th, a mask, as well as hand sanitizer before the march begins.
Show up in solidarity of black lives, but also take the health and safety precautions necessary to protect black lives while at the protest.
My name is Brandy Butler, I am an african-american residing in Zürich, Switzerland for almost two decades, a well known activist, and community organizer as well as a member of a separate risk group endangered by Covid-19.
All profits from this campaign, after gofundme takes their cut, will go directly to the purchase of surgical masks and hand sanitizer.
Any remaining funds will be donated to Allianz gegen Racial Profiling.