Donation protected
+ In honour of God, Mary and all the saints of Sweden!
I am writing to you about our beloved priest, brother and friend, Father Benedict, or Father Bengt as we call him, who is seeking a permanent location to establish a hermitage in Sweden. While he has blessed us with his presence for the past year, he now needs to secure his own place to build this hermitage - a sacred place for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, contemplation, and prayer.
For those who don't know Father Bengt, he has touched many lives here in Sweden with his warm, welcoming presence and dedication to his calling. His dream of establishing a hermitage will provide him with a permanent home and your support, no matter the size, will help build not just a physical space, but a spiritual home that will serve us, the world and God for many years to come.
In honour of God, Mary and all the saints of Sweden!
After almost 20 years of monastic life as a Benedictine monk, Father Benedict was authorised by his superiors to settle in Sweden as a hermit. In doing so, he followed the special call he received to retire with Christ to the silence of the desert to serve God in prayer and penance, for the salvation and conversion of souls, especially in Sweden and Scandinavia. He prays in particular that Sweden may rediscover its Catholic heritage, reconnect with its Catholic roots and be reunited with the Holy Catholic Church.
Father Benedict devotes his life to prayer and labour, in seclusion from the world. Every day he offers the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass according to the traditional Catholic and apostolic rite. Once at night and seven times a day he prays the traditional Benedictine Office. He supports himself by sculpting statues of saints in his workshop (http://sankt-eriks-konstverkstad7.webnode.se).
But now Father Benedict needs our help to continue his mission in Sweden. Join us on this monastic adventure and help us to provide a home for Father Benedict and a chapel in honour of God, Mary and all the saints of Sweden!
In time, we want to build a hermitage for Father Benedict with a chapel, a house and a workshop.
As a first step, however, we would like to buy a house/cottage where he can start his life in prayer and silence and where he can offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass every day. We are looking for a beautiful place in the Swedish countryside, in a secluded place, but at the same time accessible to possible visitors. Several possibilities have already presented themselves in the region of Västergötland.
In a second phase, we want to build a chapel in traditional Nordic style, where God is worshipped with dignity, in the beauty and truth of the traditional Catholic liturgy, and where people can find rest and salvation for their souls. This chapel will be dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of the North, and to all the saints of Sweden.
Without your help, however, this project would not be possible! Our deepest gratitude goes to all those who want to help Father Benedict with their prayers and financial help.
Every month he will offer a Holy Mass for all benefactors and a Requiem Mass for their deceased relatives.
Till Guds, Marias och alla Sveriges helgons ära!
Efter nästan 20 års klosterliv som benediktinmunk fick Fader Bengt tillstånd av sina överordnade att bosätta sig i Sverige som eremit. Därmed följde han den speciella kallelse han fick, att tillsammans med Kristus dra sig tillbaka till öknens tystnad för att tjäna Gud i bön och botgöring, för själarnas frälsning och omvändelse, särskilt i Sverige och Skandinavien. Han ber i synnerhet för att Sverige ska återupptäcka sitt katolska arv, återknyta till sina katolska rötter och återförenas med den heliga katolska Kyrkan. Fader Bengt äger sitt liv åt bön och arbete, i avskildhet från världen. Varje dag frambär han det heliga Mässoffret enligt den traditionella katolska och apostoliska riten. En gång om natten och sju gånger om dagen ber han det traditionella benediktinska officiet. Han försörjer sig själv genom att skulptera helgonstatyer i sin verkstad (http://sankt-eriks-konstverkstad7.webnode.se).
Men nu behöver fader Bengt vår hjälp för att kunna fortsätta sin mission i Sverige. Följ med på detta klosteräventyr och hjälp oss att att skaffa ett hem åt Fader Bengt och en kyrka till Guds, Marias och alla Sveriges helgons ära!
Med tiden vill vi bygga en eremitgård åt Fader Bengt med ett kapell, ett hus och en ateljé. Som ett första steg vill vi dock köpa ett hus/torp där han kan påbörja sitt liv i bön och avskildhet och där han kan offra det heliga Mässoffret varje dag. Vi letar efter en vacker plats i den svenska naturen, i ett avskilt läge, men samtidigt tillgänglig för eventuella besökare. Flera möjligheter har redan presenterat sig i Västergötland.
Nach fast 20 Jahren klösterlichen Lebens als Benediktinermönch erhielt Pater Benedikt von seinen Oberen die Erlaubnis, sich als Einsiedler in Schweden niederzulassen. Damit folgte er dem besonderen Ruf, den er erhalten hatte, sich mit Christus in die Stille der Wüste zurückzuziehen, um Gott im Gebet und in der Buße zu dienen, für das Heil und die Bekehrung der Seelen, besonders in Schweden und Skandinavien. Er betet insbesondere dafür, dass Schweden sein katholisches Erbe wiederentdeckt, sich mit seinen katholischen Wurzeln verbindet und mit der heiligen katholischen Kirche, dem einzigen Weg zur Erlösung, wiedervereint wird.
Pater Benedikt widmet sein Leben dem Gebet und der Arbeit, in Abgeschiedenheit von der Welt. Jeden Tag bringt er das heilige Messopfer nach dem traditionellen katholischen und apostolischen Ritus dar. Einmal in der Nacht und siebenmal am Tag betet er das traditionelle benediktinische Offizium. Seinen Lebensunterhalt bestreitet er mit der Herstellung von Heiligenstatuen in seiner Werkstatt (https://sankt-eriks-konstverkstad7.webnode.se).
Pater Benedikt wäre sehr dankbar, wenn Sie ihm durch Ihr Gebet und Ihre Hilfe helfen könnten, seine Mission in Schweden fortzusetzen.
If you would rather transfer your donation directly to Father Bengt (avoiding GoFundMe fees), you can use the following information depending on you location:
IBAN: SE1480000830481436655607 (Wim Roger F Schreurs)
KONTO: 143 665 560-7 (CLEARINGNR: 8304-8) /
Please see the Hermitage website for SWISH!
Support Father Bengt by ordering from here:
For those concerned about the long-term future of this project, it's important to know that the property will be owned by a foundation under Father Bengt's direction. This ensures that even if Father Bengt is no longer able to live there, the hermitage will continue to serve its intended purpose in a similar capacity. This structure provides security and sustainability for the project beyond any single individual.
All donations, whether made through this platform or through other means, go directly to Father Bengt. This initiative is independently funded, receiving no other financial support. The purchase, renovation, construction, and maintenance of the hermitage will be funded entirely through your generous donations and Father Bengt's workshop, where he creates beautiful statues of saints.
Organizer and beneficiary

Niklas Arvidsson
Götene, O, Sweden, O

Fader Bengt