Salvando a Néstor Galban del COVID-19
Donation protected
Hoy necesitamos de tu ayuda para NESTOR GALBAN , tiene 47 años una linda familia que conforma con su esposa MARINES PEREZ y sus 4 hijos .
El COVID-19 llego a su hogar y el más afectado es NESTOR !
Necesitamos de tu aporte para que NESTOR pueda seguir con su tratamiento en contra del COVID-19 ya que padece de un síndrome respiratorio agudo debido a una NEUMONIA BILATERAL causada por el COVID-19
Como saben en Venezuela la situación económica es difícil y costear todos esos medicamentos es imposible para su familia. Ya que todo el grupo familiar tiene COVID-19
Necesita varios medicamentos y oxigeno, ayudado con lo que puedas .
Ayudemos a NESTOR GALBAN a seguir unido a su FAMILIA que lo necesita y se recupere de este COVID-19.
Today we need your help for NESTOR GALBAN, he have a beautiful family of 4 Children and his wife, he is 47 years old.
COVID-19 came to their home and the most affected is NESTOR!
We need your contribution so that NESTOR can continue with its treatment against COVID-19 since it suffers from an acute respiratory syndrome due to BILATERAL PNEUMONIA caused by COVID-19
As you know in Venezuela, the economic situation is difficult and paying for all these medicines is impossible for his family. Since the entire family group has COVID-19
Nestor need several medications and oxygen
Let us help NESTOR GALBAN to remain united with his FAMILY that needs it and recovers from this COVID-19.
El COVID-19 llego a su hogar y el más afectado es NESTOR !
Necesitamos de tu aporte para que NESTOR pueda seguir con su tratamiento en contra del COVID-19 ya que padece de un síndrome respiratorio agudo debido a una NEUMONIA BILATERAL causada por el COVID-19
Como saben en Venezuela la situación económica es difícil y costear todos esos medicamentos es imposible para su familia. Ya que todo el grupo familiar tiene COVID-19
Necesita varios medicamentos y oxigeno, ayudado con lo que puedas .
Ayudemos a NESTOR GALBAN a seguir unido a su FAMILIA que lo necesita y se recupere de este COVID-19.
Today we need your help for NESTOR GALBAN, he have a beautiful family of 4 Children and his wife, he is 47 years old.
COVID-19 came to their home and the most affected is NESTOR!
We need your contribution so that NESTOR can continue with its treatment against COVID-19 since it suffers from an acute respiratory syndrome due to BILATERAL PNEUMONIA caused by COVID-19
As you know in Venezuela, the economic situation is difficult and paying for all these medicines is impossible for his family. Since the entire family group has COVID-19
Nestor need several medications and oxygen
Let us help NESTOR GALBAN to remain united with his FAMILY that needs it and recovers from this COVID-19.
Yeni Lopez
Homestead, FL