Sam, Oli, Chris & Boon walk the T50 for Talk Club
Do you want to join us in making a difference? We are raising money in aid of Talk Club and every donation will help. Thank you in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to us.
As men we can be pretty rubbish about discussing our feelings and with 73% of suicides being men we need to do something. Talk club is a platform to get people talking to get men to discuss how they are and open up about their feelings.
Giving a scale out of 10 gives a more relatable way men can express how they feel so how are you out of 10?
More information about Talk Club: We provide safe spaces for men to become mentally fit by talking and listening because a mentally fit man is good for everyone. By speaking the language of every man, we give them the tools that empower and connect, establishing real, thriving communities. How are you? Out of ten?
Samuel Goddard
Talk Club