Sam Smiles Project
Tax deductible
Sam is a young man with a contagious smile and a love for everyone he meets. Sam has never let his challenges hold him back or keep him from achieving his goals or helping out in his community. Sam Smiles is a service project that will allow Sam to work on his skills while helping others in need.
Sam will be organizing and assembling hygiene packs for the homeless. He will deliver his packs to Mr. Bob's Under the Bridge program who will distribute Sam's packs to the homeless in Milwaukee and the surrounding area. Mr. Bob's Under the Bridge Project gives out over 125 hygiene packs per week.
Sam will be using his own money from his job to purchase some of his supplies from the Dollar Store and we will be collecting donations both of product and monetary to assist Sam in his project. Product donations can be dropped off at J&H Heating in Port Washington and monetary donations can be given through the Sam Smiles Go Fund Me Page.
Items needed for Sam Smiles hygiene packs for the homeless:
Soap (Small or travel size)
Shampoo/Conditioner (Small or travel size)
Lotion (Small or travel size)
Deodorant (Small or travel size)
Toothpaste (Small or travel size)
Floss Picks
Wipes (Small or travel size)
Granola/Protein Bars
Chap Stick
Sam will be organizing and assembling hygiene packs for the homeless. He will deliver his packs to Mr. Bob's Under the Bridge program who will distribute Sam's packs to the homeless in Milwaukee and the surrounding area. Mr. Bob's Under the Bridge Project gives out over 125 hygiene packs per week.
Sam will be using his own money from his job to purchase some of his supplies from the Dollar Store and we will be collecting donations both of product and monetary to assist Sam in his project. Product donations can be dropped off at J&H Heating in Port Washington and monetary donations can be given through the Sam Smiles Go Fund Me Page.
Items needed for Sam Smiles hygiene packs for the homeless:
Soap (Small or travel size)
Shampoo/Conditioner (Small or travel size)
Lotion (Small or travel size)
Deodorant (Small or travel size)
Toothpaste (Small or travel size)
Floss Picks
Wipes (Small or travel size)
Granola/Protein Bars
Chap Stick
Susan L. Mayer
Grafton, WI
Mr Bob's Under the Bridge Inc