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Help Samuel Fry Beat HLH

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Three-month-old Sam has hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH), a very rare and potentially fatal disease of his immune system.  He is currently at Children's National Medical Center in Washington, D.C., where he receives a cocktail of steroids (to arrest the HLH) and chemotherapy (to break down and eventually disable his immune system). These treatments are expected to take 6-8 weeks.

If the treatments are successful, the next step--the only available step if we're going to cure Sam--is to replace his immune system with a bone marrow transplant.

Please help Sam's family cope with medical bills and lost work time.

To follow Sam's progress, see http://samuelhfry.blogspot.com/


  • The Lockwood Family
    • $600
    • 9 yrs


Friends of Sam Fry
Silver Spring, MD

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