Sammy's iPhone was stolen from her hands on BART
On Dec. 19th 2019 Sammy Wredberg, a blind woman, had her iPhone stolen from her hands while arriving in Oakland on BART. Here is a link to her story on KTVU
I reached out to Sammy's Mother, Dee Wredberg, and asked to start a GoFundMe to cover the cost of a new phone, which Dee turned down - they have a replacement plan and the new phone is covered. However, the iPhone is the cheapest thing taken from Sammy that day.
Sammy had her sense of security as well as her routine stolen from her that day as she rightfully no longer feels safe taking BART, leaving her with Uber/Lyft as her only means of getting around. I contacted Dee Wredberg once more and asked her to allow me to donate toward increased traveling fees via Uber/Lyft which she graciously accepted.
Dee later informed me that she had rethought the idea of a crowd-sourced method to allow us to lend Sammy a helping hand so she can maintain her independence. For proof, here is the snippet of that conversation.
For the sake of legitimacy here are the links to Sammy and her Monther, Dee's Facebook pages
100% of the Donations will be transferred Directly to Sammy's Mother, Dee Wredberg who will purchase Uber/Lyft gift cards for Sammy to get around.
Sammy is the kindest, sweetest gal around. Nobody was less deserving to have their iPhone, sense of security and routine stolen from them. I am asking you to please donate, provide the gift of security, independence and most importantly - a restored faith in society to Sammy this Christmas.
P.S. - If it is possible, please share this with your friends to help raise awareness!
Thank you!