Sandra Booker v. Cancer
Update: September 12, 2018
Life is awesome!
Sandra Booker v. Cancer
UPDATE: September 23, 2017
The trip to Paris was incredible. An absolute dream come true. Despite having to go to the hospital twice while on holiday, the experience of living in Paris for 40 days and performing to sold out shows was something I shall never forget.
Thanks to Nicola Sabato, Germain Cornet, John Betsch, Mike Ellis, Leslie Lewis, Gerard Hagen, Alex Stuart, Juan Sebastien Jimenez, Daniel Gassin, Acelino di Paulo and Michel Julien for sharing the stages of Paris with me.
Thanks you, Tamir Hendelman for being the best musical director, pianist and friend any vocalist could asks for. It wouldn't have been the same without you.
Special thanks to Brian Kessler, Pamela Meyers, Nailah Porter, Bruno Genovese, Sherry Luchette, Tanya Robinson and Katanya Berger...for everything.
Big shout out to everyone who attended 40 Days in Paris: Jazz for a Saturday Afternoon at ArtShare LA on Saturday, September 16th. The show sold out and it was a wonderful way to share my experiences of love, loss and life renewed in the City of Lights. Thanks also to Jilly Jung, Jason John and everyone at ArtShare LA, Rick Taub and LA Music Booking, Sybeline LaMay, Brian Kessler, Jonathan Pearl, as well as the amazing musicians Mike Scott, Edwin Livingston and Thomas White for helping me live my best life NOW with music and joy.
To the California Jazz Foundation, Actors Fund, Jazz Foundation of America and the weSpark Cancer Support Center for your assistance, encouragement and support during my time in treatment.
Thank you all for your donations that allow me to continue my fight against cancer with strength, dignity, confidence and grace. Music is my medicine.
Tour dates:
Sandra Booker and the French Connection Band in Paris, France at Chez Papa Jazz Club.
Sandra Booker Official Website
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