The Funeral of Sandra Marrero
Sandra Ivette Marrero de Beltran - Fearfully and wonderfully made, whose innermost being was created and knitted in her mother's womb. On Friday May 19, 2017 Sandra passed away. Her time here on earth has ended and her time in the heavens has begun. She will be joining her younger brother David!
Mother of three, grandmother of one, though many will say she had more children, and grandchildren. Sandra became a mother at the tender age of 16. She and her husband welcomed Jesus David Linares (middle) while living in Puerto Rico. Lisandra Linares (princess) joined the family a year later, followed by the baby of the family Nelson Carrasquillo. Nany was a jack of all trades. Youth counsellor, hair dresser, emergency medical technician, MBTA bus driver. Her prefered role was that of a mom, grandmother and daughter.
Her children will call her blessed! A unique individual that made sure that she taught her children to never feel better then anyone. She constantly reminded her children to love people even in their ugliest of times.
She lived passionately and loved passionately! We will all remember Sandra for her laughter, her smile and her sense of humor. She lived on the edge and was never afraid to speak her mind. Sandra added light to every room she walked into. Her energy will always be felt in the people that loved and experienced her charm.
Her sense of humor and warm smile will be missed...