Sandy Relief For Alex's Inlet Bait Shop
Hello My name is Mike Cammarata. Today I am reaching out to you. I have known Marc Palazzolo from Alex's Inlet Bait & Tackle for 15 years now. In this time of need I would like to help Marc Palazzolo out. Hurricane Sandy was a horrific Storm. There is a lot to be done to get Alex's Inlet Bait & Tackle running again. As you may know that the Insurance and FEMA did not help out a lot of people that loss there homes and businesses. I am asking you to help me to get Alex's Inlet Bait & Tackle back on its feet. All of the Donation will go to Marc to rebuild his Business and lively hood. Please Share this with everybody you know.
Super Storm Sandy left destruction in her path all along the Jersey Coast as well as other Eastern seaboard regions... and four months later we still recall the vivid images, stories, trials and tribulations at the expense of this monster storm. Like many communities and individuals, our parish, St. Peter Armenian Church, organized a relief mission and brought food, clothing, money, and hope to many people at the Jersey Shore. One person's story of survival, perseverance and hope in particular sticks out the most and he is a personal friend of mine. His name is Marc Palazzolo. He is the owner of Alex's Bait and Tackle shop on the Manasquan Inlet in Point Pleasant Beach, NJ. He is a selfless individual, always ready, willing and able to help others in their time of need (and this was evident following the days of Sandy).Marc is the face of "Alex's Bait and Tackle Shop". He is the ideal owner of a tackle shop. He is personable, friendly, patient and his smile lights up the shop. From Alex's Bait and Tackle Shop, he greets and welcomes so many anglers and fisherman -- both young and old, male and female -- to the special fishing spot at Manasquan Inlet. Through the years, I have enjoyed our friendship and his welcoming smile whenever I go to the Jersey Shore to fish. My Dad, of blessed memory, took me to Manaqusan Inlet when I was 8 years old, and now three generations later, I have introduced my son to the Inlet and to Alex's Bait and Tackle. It is a sentimental place. It's a time to simply fish, forget about the world's problems and enjoy the ocean's beauty. Of course, having Marc and his tackle shop across the street is a bonus. We go to Alex's Bait and Tackle for bait, or when we lose our lures, or when our pole snaps and we need a new one, or when we run out of weights and swivels, and most of all we go to shoot the fishing breeze with Marc.Super Storm Sandy changed everything! Alex's Bait and Tackle shop was wiped out. Marc lost practically everything with only the top four feet of the walls to the ceiling and the toilet bowl salvageable.After much loss, pain, sweat, and tears, Marc has resurfaced from despair and has decided to rebuild Alex's Bait and Tackle Shop. After being rejected by FEMA and with extremely limited funds, Marc is rebuilding Alex's Bait and Tackle Shop with his own money - doing most of the work himself.For Christians, Lent begins this week and its main message is to offer charity to others. I ask that you consider donating to Marc's cause and help rebuild Alex's Bait and Tackle Shop. Your donation will put Marc back on his feet in order to open the doors of a very special place. Your generosity will ensure that many others, like my son and I, will continue to create unique memories -- fishing at Manasquan Inlet and seeing Marc with his smiling face by the doors of a thriving Alex's Bait and Tackle Shop.You may donate on this Facebook page. Or if you have received this via e-mail, please visit the following link:.http://www.gofundme.com/21ibxs Thank you in advance for your consideration and kindness,Fr. Stepanos Doudoukjian