Sara - Abbiamo perso il lavoro a causa del COVID
Donation protected
Ciao a tutti! Sono Sara, ho 26 anni e vivo a Brindisi. Da qualche anno, finita l'università ho deciso di non pesare su mia madre, lasciandole la possibilità di gestire il misero mantenimento familiare per mantenere la casa e mia sorella ancora studentessa. Ho sempre lavorato riuscendo a vivere una vita dignitosa, pagando affitto e bollette senza chiedere nulla alla mia famiglia. Da qualche mese a questa parte avevo trovato il mio equilibro grazie al mio lavoro, che ho perso a causa del Covid-19. Al giorno d'oggi non ho ricevuto nessun sussidio da parte dello stato e il cibo comincia a scarseggiare, insieme alle scadenze che si avvicinano. Se sia una situazione momentanea o meno non lo so, dato che lavoro nel campo della ristorazione. Divido la casa con la mia collega, quindi anche lei con i miei stessi problemi. Non sappiamo come pagare l'affitto di maggio, nè i prossimi, contando che sicuramente non avremo più lo stesso stipendio di prima, le bollette che arriveranno, e le spese che dovremo fare. Non ho mai chiesto niente a nessuno fino ad adesso, ma adesso mi trovo davvero in difficoltà. Nè io nè lei possiamo chiedere niente alle nostre famiglie, in quanto nella nostra stessa situazione. Grazie a chiunque risponderà a questo appello.
Hello everyone! I'm Sara, I'm 26 and I live in Brindisi. For a few years, after university I decided not to weigh on my mother, leaving her the opportunity to manage the poor maintenance of my father to keep the house and my sister still a student. I have always worked managing to live a dignified life, paying rent and bills without asking my family for anything. For some months now I had found my balance thanks to my work, which I lost because of Covid-19. Nowadays I have not received any subsidies from the state and food is starting to run out, along with the deadlines that are approaching. Whether it's a momentary situation or not, I don't know, since I work in the restaurant business. I share the house with my colleague, so she also have the same problems. We don't know how to pay the May rent, the bills that will come, and the expenses we will have to pay. I've never asked anyone for anything until now, but now I'm really in trouble. Neither I nor you will be able to ask our families for anything, as in our own situation. Thanks to anyone who will respond to this appeal.
Hello everyone! I'm Sara, I'm 26 and I live in Brindisi. For a few years, after university I decided not to weigh on my mother, leaving her the opportunity to manage the poor maintenance of my father to keep the house and my sister still a student. I have always worked managing to live a dignified life, paying rent and bills without asking my family for anything. For some months now I had found my balance thanks to my work, which I lost because of Covid-19. Nowadays I have not received any subsidies from the state and food is starting to run out, along with the deadlines that are approaching. Whether it's a momentary situation or not, I don't know, since I work in the restaurant business. I share the house with my colleague, so she also have the same problems. We don't know how to pay the May rent, the bills that will come, and the expenses we will have to pay. I've never asked anyone for anything until now, but now I'm really in trouble. Neither I nor you will be able to ask our families for anything, as in our own situation. Thanks to anyone who will respond to this appeal.
Sara Cucurachi
Brindisi, PU