Sarah Marie (Kielar) Ervin Funeral Expense Fund
GoFund me wants me to tell my story and explain why I’m making this campaign......
I would love to find all the right words to make it beautiful said to make people happy but unfortunately I don’t care right now because my heart is literally bleeding..
There’s no more hospital stays, no more round the clock pain medicine, no more swollen legs, no more moaning in agony, no more trouble talking, walking and swallowing, no more tears rolling from your face no more hurt no more pain no more pain no more pain no more suffering I don’t know whether to curse God or Thank him because unfortunately with all of that freedom comes no more you...
My moms beautiful spirit has been taken from this earth and have left behind me and my 6 younger siblings less then two weeks after her 39th birthday after a long fight with cancer. And now, without much time at all to grieve my family needs to ask for your help for the necessary expenses that follow this tragedy, if you would like to donate outside of Gofund me to avoid fees taking partial donation I will list the following other ways we are also able to receive donations.
Mom did not want a normal funeral service, she wanted dancing, singing and celebratory party like scene with laughs and smiles celebrating her life and the amazing person she was and the imprint she left on so many lives.
Your donations will make all of my moms wishes possible
Further detail on the party will be provided by the family, we truly thank you.