SASC Donations
**SASC Month 2021 has ended, but the Go Fund Me will remain open as we continue to collect donations that go towards expanding our services and additional supports**
The AMS Sexual Assault Support Centre at the University of British Columbia has been providing support services and education for people of all genders who are survivors of sexualized violence, as well as their friends and family. We serve UBC students, staff, faculty, and people with a connection to the UBC campus through various resources and services.
This May is our first annual SASC Month! Please join us in commemorating the community, work, and legacy of the AMS SASC as we continue to raise awareness and provide support for survivors of sexualized violence. Our current services are funded on an annual basis; however, there are many dreams and ideas that we would love to put into action to further expand our services. Your donations will contribute directly to these additional supports!
We invite you to check out our Instagram page (@ams.sasc.ubc) each week as we share more about the SASC and the work we do. Spread the word, share our posts, and have a conversation with a peer about the resources available for survivors on campus!