Sasha's Medical for Brain Tumors
Donation protected
Kris Camyn is Sashas husband of many years. Sasha retired from Costco and worked for an elderly with assisted living needs. Besides each other, their pets are their joy in life.
This will be a long journey. Prayers for healing her gentle soul. She will be unable to return to work and the medical expenses will pile up. Any assistance is a Godsend to our efforts. Thank you and God Bless you all.
Friends, family and loved ones. It breaks my heart to let you all now that Sasha has been admitted to the hospital with multiple brain tumors. The tumors have metastasized from her adrenal gland and spread into her body and brain. She is at sacred heart in the intensive Care unit but they are not allowing visitors as she is a high risk for covid death in her condition. At this point she is scheduled for surgery on Thursday but one of the tumors is in the front and one is in the back so they may have to do two separate surgeries. There will also be more treatment after that such as chemotherapy and other medical therapies. We appreciate all prayers and will stay positive as possible. It is my understanding that this is fatal and there is no cure ultimately so her time is limited. Anyways love to all my friends and family. I will try to update if anything changes. Stay safe and take care.
1/13/2022 Okay it's 9:45 and she's out of surgery and SHE MADE IT!! They took the two big tumors out one from the front and one from the back. the surgery went well and she's doing fine in recovery.. it'll be a few hours before I can see her but Dr Carlson tells me that she talked to him which is a good sign and that her right side was a little weak but it was weak before we brought her in so that can hopefully be strengthened up as she recovers. Otherwise there might be some small bits that were un recoverable that could continue to grow and cause problems in the future. We will be keeping our eye on that. I'm so happy I could float LOL. Power of prayer is amazing and all of your love and support has made the difference. I will continue to update as she recovers. Bless bless bless all of you!❤️❤️
** Saturday update**
Sasha is doing miraculously well she's getting out of the intensive care unit today and will be moved up somewhere on the 8th floor. Her speech is slurred so it's kind of hard to understand her on the phone which is a reason she hasn't called a lot of people but she is having speech therapy and it is slowly getting better. Her right side is kind of weak and it's hard to move her right arm and fingers but she's slowly getting motion back into those also. She has had some hallucinations but that is pretty normal with the morphine and the area of the brain that they worked on. All in all she's doing really well and I'm really optimistic that I can get her home in a couple weeks. I myself am doing very well and am keeping optimistic. Just so much going on I haven't gotten a lot of sleep but I'm working on that. Thank you everybody for your love and prayers! I truly believe that helped her pull through. I will do updates if her condition changes but otherwise know she is doing quite well. Bless you all!!❤️❤️❤️❤️
Organiser and beneficiary
Dameda Ethrington-Spain
Spokane, WA
Kris Camyn