Sasha’s SOT Treatment for Lyme Disease
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As you may know, my mom had Chronic Lyme Disease and she fought bravely until losing her battle on 12/27/2022. What you may not know is that I also have Lyme. I have congenital Lyme Disease; my mom passed it to me in utero unknowingly because she didn’t have any obvious symptoms or illness at that time.
Even though I was mostly healthy growing up, in high school I started experiencing some health challenges like difficulty with anxiety, depression, and brain fog as well as body pain, getting sick easily and having recurring infections. Since my mom had been recently diagnosed with Lyme Disease when I was in eighth grade, I was tested as well and tested positive.
It is estimated that more than 50% of the population have been exposed to Lyme disease in their lifetime, but that most people’s immune systems can mount a proper response and keep the bacteria from becoming a problem.
However, 25% of the population have genetics in which their bodies DO NOT mount an appropriate response to the bacteria, and therefore, they can become severely and chronically ill from the disease.
Genetic testing showed that both my mom and I are a part of the 25% of the population who are extremely sensitive to the bacteria and can suffer extensive chronic illness from it.
Because of the severity of my mom’s illness and all that I witnessed her suffer, I want to be very proactive and preventative with my own Lyme disease treatment. I want to take every step possible to ensure a healthy future for myself and my future family. I specifically want to prevent Lyme disease from being passed through me to my own children as well as keep myself healthy so that my future children do not experience what I had to go through with a really sick mother.
Off and on over the last 6-8 years, I have received treatments for the tick-borne pathogens and viruses with herbal and antibiotic protocols, and my health is mostly good. I lead an active life, but I still struggle with some underlying symptoms that persist despite standard treatments. My goal is to get Lyme disease into full remission before trying to conceive, hopefully in my late 20’s.
My mom’s experience and science tell us that standard antibiotic treatments do not get rid of the bacteria completely and cause harm to the immune system. Herbal treatments are not enough to get the bacteria into remission by themselves.
The reasons standard treatments are not effective are multifactorial, but one of the most significant ones is that there are many different strains (species variations) of Lyme and the other tick-borne infections that make up Lyme disease. Antibiotics or herbals might work well on one strain and not at all on another.
That is why I recently underwent some more extensive testing for Lyme disease that breaks down results into the varied species. These results showed that I have two different strains of Lyme, three strains of babesia (which are co-infections that I got in utero), and six viruses that are most active right now, taxing my immune system and causing noticeable symptoms such as body pain, brain fog, hormonal challenges, and severe fatigue.
I’ve been consulting with a new Lyme doctor here in CA, Dr. Lisa Hunt, who specializes in chronic Lyme and uses a type of treatment called Supportive Oligonucleotide Therapy (SOT). This treatment has been showing very good results at putting Lyme into remission. SOT therapy is designed specifically to target individual bacterial or viral strains, so it is highly accurate and effective.
Below is a detailed explanation from Dr. Hunt’s office that specifically describes the process of this highly successful treatment:
RGCC Laboratory located in Greece is a genetic laboratory which is capable of identifying the specific gene sequences of different targets such as cancer, Lyme, and other viruses. We send a patient's blood to their lab, and they identify the main genetic sequence (gene epitope) of our target genes. Once they identify the main genetic epitope of the target, they cross reference the gene sequences to an international database of genetics to ensure they have the proper sequences.
RGCC created this unique fingerprinting technology so that we can ensure the success of this treatment. It creates a 98% specificity to our target genes such as the Lyme spirochetes, and it does not interfere with any other human cells. Once the replication genes (sense strand) are identified, the laboratory creates the anti-copy of the replication sequences of the translocation genes. The sense strand is the particular code of the genetics that creates replication in the cell. RGCC splices apart the sense strand and makes a complementary copy of the DNA sequences that creates replication. This in turn creates an anti-sense therapy.
Once they create the complimentary copy of the replication sequences, they surround this copy with a synthetic messenger RNA so that it has the ability to penetrate within the cell wall of our target. Once this mRNA sequence is created, they replicate this to 500 million to 1 billion copies of your unique SOT molecules. These molecules are delivered to our office where you receive your one dose IV treatment.
Once you receive your SOT molecules, they are at work 24 hours a day, seven days a week for up to six months inhibiting the replication cycle of your target spirochetes. The Lyme spirochetes have a life cycle of 80 days. It is the longest life cycle of any bacteria in science, and it has one of the most complicated gene sequences that we study. One point of interest is to note that this treatment is not an immune treatment, and it does not work through the immune activation system, therefore there are very minimal side effects. SOT works simply by shutting down the gene replication sequences of our target, therefore, eliminating the next lifecycle. Once the lifecycle of the spirochete has been completed, there are just simply no spirochetes left.
My treatment plan is to do 1-2 SOT treatments for each of these 11 pathogens that are most active to get them into remission. This treatment has had exceptionally good results, but as you can imagine, it comes with a high price tag and is not covered by my insurance, which is why I’m asking for support.
I’ve outlined the costs of my treatment below:
Each SOT treatment is $4,000:
Round 1: The first three pathogens I will be needing to treat will be:
1st strain of Lyme - $4,000
1st strain of babesia - $4,000
1st active virus - $4,000
Total $12,000
Timeline for Round 1: December 2023
*Treating viruses is as important as treating the Lyme and co-infections themselves because if the viruses are not treated, my immune system can’t work on killing off the other pathogens. Viruses essentially take your immune system and body into overdrive and run it down.*
Round 2: (3-5 months after round 1):
Diagnostic Testing – $1,000 * (not covered by insurance)
*This comprehensive panel re-tests all the infection levels again to evaluate how effective the first round was and to choose the next targets. If the round 1 infections are not in remission, then I will need to repeat these three SOTs again. If this is the case, it will be another $12,000, totaling $24,000
when I am in remission for first three pathogens, we then treat the 2nd tier infections:
The 2nd strain of Lyme - $4,000
The 2nd strain of Babesia - $4,000
The 2nd active virus - $4,000
Total Round 2 - $13,000 (including testing)
If the round 2 infections are not in remission, then I will need to repeat these three SOTs again. If this is the case, it will be another $13,000, totaling $26,000 for the second round.
Timeline for Round 2: March-May 2024)
Round 3: (3-6 months after round 2):
Diagnostic Testing - $1,000 (not covered by insurance)
The 3rd strain of babesia - $4,000
The 3rd and 4th 5th and final strain of viruses - $16,000
Total Round 3- $21,000 (including testing)
If the round 3 infections are not in remission, then I will need to repeat these three SOTs again. If this is the case, it will be another $21,000 totaling $42,000 for the third round.
Timeline for Round 3: Fall 2024
If I do have to repeat a second round of each pathogen and for each round which is more than likely, the total to fully complete my SOT treatments will be $92,000.
As many of you know, our family has been through so much trauma and hardship. If my mom had known that she had Lyme when she was in her 20’s she potentially could have had a much better outcome for herself as well as not passing the pathogens on to me. Since I know I have Lyme, there is a chance that I can have a different outcome for myself if I undergo extensive treatment now before having kids and starting a career. I am very confident about this course of treatment, and I feel resolute about my remission goals, including no congenital transmission for my children, but I cannot reach these goals alone. I will need your support.
My mom fought hard for her own health and advocated for the best choices and support for my health as I grew up. I have big plans to be a practitioner like my mom who helped so many people and to be a mom, which has been my biggest goal since I was a child. Please consider helping me fight for a healthy future for myself and for my future kids. I will be forever grateful for any support you can provide!
Sasha Binder
Redlands, CA