All she will know is LOVE!!!
This is the story of a young lady named Savannah that was loved so much by her parents, Jay and Rachel Longley, and her family. All She Will Know is LOVE is something we have heard since she was born.
Savannah's story:
Welcome to the world: Savannah Elizabeth Longley born 12/20/14 at 2:20am. 6lb 7oz. 19 1/2in. Mom, dad, and baby are doing well!
One year ago today Savannah was admitted to the NICU to monitor her and help her eat... She was 5lb 10oz. It was so heartbreaking to have to 'give her up' for others to take care of her.....her complications grew and her condition and prognosis got worse over time. Even with all of the struggles, seizures, and long nights, Rachel and Jay found love for Savannah, and each other.
12/30/2015: Picture with Santa
"Oh I believe there are angels among us, sent down to us from somewhere up above, they come to you and me in our darkest hour, to show us how to live, to teach us how to give, to guide us with the light of LOVE"
This was the sweetest Santa! He was very careful with Savannah, then talked to me very briefly asking how old she was- I told him she'd be 1 in three days. He stood up, kissed her forehead and sang her happy birthday quietly. While I was over checking out, he came over to talk to us a little more and ask about Savannah. I explained we never thought we would see this day, and thanked him for his time. He got a little choked up and said what a blessing Savannah is and how amazing I was. Then he grabbed Savannah and whispered/sang her Rudolph the Red Nose Raindeer. 1/2 way through he started crying and said "I can't...."
Savannah has touched so many people. She is a blessing and an unbelievable reminder every day just how lucky we are to have her! Please this Christmas, experience the joy, the love, the laughter... And be thankful for everything you have! Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
4/13/2016 12:45am
Heaven gained the sweetest...most beautiful little angel today. I can just see those sweet chubby cheeks and smile giggling with her sister. Rachel your strength has been a gift....for Savannah, for myself and many others. All of my love ♡♡♡♡♡
This GoFundMe page was created to help with medical expenses, food, gifts to various hospitals and many other places that have helped Jay, Rachel and Savannah along the way.
Celebration of life will be annouced soon, so please stay tuned.
Thank you for your donation and love!
Jay and Rachel Longley