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Help me and my family to evacuate from Gaza

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"Urgent Relief: Support Ibrahim's Family in Gaza Amidst Devastation"


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Hello, I'm Devlin, and I'm reaching out on behalf of Ibrahim and his family in Gaza. Their lives have been upended by the ongoing conflict, leaving them in desperate need of assistance.


We noticed you may be trying to raise money for the crisis in the Middle East. Our main goals are always to protect donors and make fundraisers safe and successful. Please be assured that your contributions will directly benefit Ibrahim's family and help alleviate their suffering during this difficult time.

1. Who We Are:

Ibrahim and his family are residents of Gaza, where they have endured unimaginable hardships due to the conflict. My name is Devlin, and I am coordinating this fundraiser to support Ibrahim, his parents Omar and Fatima, his brother Abdullah, and his sister Mariam, along with their respective families.

2. Where We're From:

Ibrahim's family resides in Gaza, a region that has been deeply affected by the ongoing conflict. Their once-thriving community has been reduced to rubble, leaving families like Ibrahim's struggling to survive amidst the devastation.

3. Beneficiaries and Relationship:

The beneficiaries of this fundraiser are Ibrahim and his immediate family members, including his parents, brother, and sister. They are located in Gaza, where they have lived for generations. Ibrahim, Abdullah, Omr, and Mariam are hardworking professionals - Ibrahim as an engineer, Abdullah and Omar as dentists, and Mariam as a pharmacist. Due to the conflict, they have lost their means of income and are now relying on humanitarian aid to survive.

4. How Funds Will Be Spent:

The funds raised through this campaign will be used to provide essential humanitarian aid to Ibrahim's family. This includes but is not limited to:

Purchasing food, clean water, and basic supplies for daily survival.
Assisting with medical expenses and access to healthcare services.
Supporting the safe evacuation of the family from Gaza to a place of refuge.
Rebuilding their lives and restoring hope for a better future.
We are committed to ensuring full transparency in how the funds are allocated, and regular updates will be provided to donors on the impact of their contributions.


Your generosity can make a meaningful difference in the lives of Ibrahim and his family during this time of crisis. Together, we can provide them with the support and assistance they urgently need to rebuild their lives and regain their sense of security. Thank you for considering a donation and for standing in solidarity with those affected by the conflict in Gaza.

Thanks for reading my story
with all love Ibrahim ☺️



Spendenteam (2)

Devlin Downs
St Louis, MO
Ibraheem Hadi
Team member

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