We know times are tough for everyone at the moment but we really need your help.
During the first lock down we carried out some much needed repairs on the club including a new roof at our own expense as well as continuing to pay rent and utility bills.
We have now used up all club funds and and with no members allowed to train we have fallen behind with all our bills.
As a voluntary based club with no funding who look after 80 young people in the area we see our selves as a vital part of the community. In the past we have raised over 50,000 euro for local charities but know we need your help to save our club.
again we know this is a tough time for everyone but we hope to raise as much funds as possible to keep our local boxing club up and running, we would hate to let any of our community down by closing our doors.
thank you all for the support & all donations are appreciated.
Cabra Boxing Club